

Zenon, son of "Agreophon", was a native of the Greek town of Caunus in lower Asia Minor. He moved to Philadelphia in Egypt and became a private secretary to "Apollonius", the finance minister to Ptolemy II Philadelphus and Ptolemy III Euergetes during the 3rd century BC.

A cache of over 2,000 Greek and Demotic letters and documents written on papyri by Zenon were discovered in the 1900s and are referred to as the "Zenon Archive" or "Zenon Papyri".

External links

* [http://images.umdl.umich.edu/cgi/i/image/image-idx?rgn1=apis_conn;op2=And;rgn2=ic_all;op3=And;rgn3=ic_all;c=apis;q1=Zenon%20archive;back=back1160694989;size=50;start=1;type=boolean;view=thumbnail Zenon Archive at University of Michigan]
* [http://odyssey.lib.duke.edu/papyrus/texts/archives.html Zenon Archive at Duke University]
* [http://www.lib.umich.edu/pap/exhibits/snapshots/Zenon%20Archive/Zenon1.html Zenon Archive summary]
* [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-8762%28194110%2947%3A1%3C64%3AEBAZOC%3E2.0.CO%3B2-H&size=LARGE Ephraim Beanland and Zenon of Caunus]

Common misspellings

* Xenon (disambiguation)
* Zeno

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