Taipei bus

Taipei bus

Infobox Bus transit
name = Taipei Joint Bus System

logo_size =

image_size =
image_caption = Ikarus low-floor bus operated by Metropolitan Transit Company
company_slogan =
parent =
founded = 1977
headquarters =
locale = Taiwan, Taipei
service_area = Taipei
service_type = bus, tour bus
alliance =
routes =
stops =
hubs = Taipei Main Station
stations =
lounge =
fleet =
ridership =
fuel_type = Diesel
operator = 15 Civil operation bus transports
ceo =
website =

Taipei Bus System(Chinese: 台北聯營公車, administered by Taipei Joint Bus Service Management Center, Taipei City Traffic Bureau, Taipei County Traffic Bureau and operated by 15 private agencies, serves the greater metropolitan area of Taipei, Taiwan.


The system is jointly operated by 15 individual bus transit agencies, sharing the same fare structure, ticketing process, as well as route numbering. Albeit most routes are operated by a single agency, there are routes co-operated by two agencies.
* Metropolitan Transit Company (Originally Taipei City Bus Administration, part of the city government, was later privatized.)
* Shin-shin Transport
* Da you Bus
* Da-nan Bus
* Guang-hua Bus
* Zhongxing Bus
* Zhinan Bus
* Taipei Bus
* Sanchung Bus
* Capital Bus
* Hsintien Bus
* Fu He Bus
* Shinhe Bus
* Danshui Bus
* Southeast Bus
* Keelung BusEach bus operating agency participating in the joint alliance formed the a committee overseeing a joint-venture management center. Operationally, the stops and waiting areas are shared between the individual operators. While ticketing and fare structures are universal within the alliance, each operator remains sovereign with its own structure, assets, revenue vehicles, and legal liabilities. Financially, all the revenue generated are collected to the management then distributed to operating agencies to meet their individual expenditure needs.

Furthermore, Taipei City Traffic Bureau makes a bi-annual service quality evaluation on each of the operating agencies, and using the evaluation as a reference in operator's application for new routes as well as the public transit subsidization. Taipei County Traffic Bureau evaluates county-administered operators separately..


Before 1976, bus operators, including ones operated by the Taipei City Bus Administration (now Metropolitan Transit Company), each have their own fare structure and tickets. Paper tickets could not be used between two different operators, making transfers between routes an inconvenience for passengers. Bus routes are individually planned by the operators, often creating areas having too much service or not having enough service.

The formation of the joint bus system

To increase service efficiency, the "Committee on the Establishment of Taipei City Public and Private Bus Joint Service" was formed in 1976, unifying route numbering, fare structures and ticketing, and deciding on a unified organization administering joint service businesses. On April 30, 1977, the joint service began with 33 routes. Later in the same year, 97 routes were added to the joint system. The number of operators increased from 5 (4 private operators and TCBA) to 10.

In the late 1980s to 1990s, many local routes administered by Taiwan Province Highway Bureau (台灣省公路局, now Taiwan Highway Bureau 交通部公路總局) were renumbered and joined the joint service system. While more operators participate in the joint system, the service area increased. Since the joint system was completely administered by the Taipei City Traffic Bureau, surveying the transportation needs, stops and route lining was difficult in Taipei County. Later when the Taipei County Traffic Bureau was established, routes that have their major mileage in Taipei County are then administered by the County.

The change of bus stop sign

*Human Writing早期形狀可分circle and reagantle,Lianyang後則統一為circle,底色為粉紅色。所列資訊由上而下依序為:routes編號(紅字,左右各有黑色「聯」、「營」二字)、站名(紅色)、stops goes through list and頭末班車、發車Intervals等。
*Print and Paste將站名資料製成透明或非透明貼紙,黏貼於壓克力板或塑膠板上。可分為以下幾時期:
#Phase 1:杆子上裝置一深褐色長方形壓克力座,上以白色字貼上stop name。旁側安裝四片壓克力長形板,其中三片黏貼已製作好的routes資料,包括:routes編號、list of stops going through.另一片則advert is setted.開始時間大約為70年代前期。
#Phase 2:
#Phase 3:

Ticketing evolution

At present tolll system

Toll method

Currently, Lianying bus fare collection methods are either charged to an easycard or cash dropped in the fare box; cash in the fare box will not return change.

ections charge

*One-section routes:從routes上任何一站乘車,至任何一站下車,車費皆以一段票(單段票價)計算。
*two, three sections routes:以routes上其中一站或兩站作為分段點,或以routes上其中一站至另一站間的區段作為分段緩衝區。以下為收費規則的簡易範例:
**A - B - C - D - E(C as inter-section point)→從A乘車至B或C皆為一段票;從A乘車至D或E為兩段票(2x fare);從C乘車至任何一站皆為一段票。
**A - B - C - D - E(B~D為緩衝區)→從A或E乘車至B~D皆為一段票;從A乘車至E為兩段票;從B~D乘車至任何一站皆為一段票。
**A - B - C - D - E - F - G(B為分段點、D~F為緩衝區)→從A乘車至B為一段票;從A乘車至C~F皆為兩段票;從A乘車至G為三段票(單段票價×3);從B乘車至C~F皆為一段票;從B或C乘車至G為兩段票。

inter-section point、buffer section

Upon of Taipei Urban area's developing and expanding,bus routes ranges 逐漸從以Taipei Main Station為主的Downtown area,stretch to suburban、Taipei County。so inter-section point is appeared,作為兩段票、三段票routes的收費依據。

常見的intersection point located士林、松山、公館、永和、萬華、三重等,或是Taipei County市交界的淡水河、新店溪橋樑附近。設置分段點的地方,往往成了轉車的最佳地點,也發展出熱鬧的市街。Expectly,riding through 10 more stops but not through intersection point need pay one section fare only,but got on from in front of intersection point with only through three sopts needs to pay two section fare,所付的車資顯然與搭乘距離不成比例,因此發展出buffer zone的設計。

於是許多緩衝區的區間改為橋樑、隧道的前後一站(例如:自強隧道),如此一來也增進轉車的方便。 MRT 分段通車之後,愈來愈多busroutes 以 MRT 站作為緩衝區起點,使得緩衝區的設立愈來愈多,也愈來愈長。

Ticket price

Single Section of Ticket price is exceled with fare formula bt Taipei City Transport Breamu, adjustment,when approved then submit to City Council 同意(不過由於bus業者與交通局對於票價調整的著眼點有所不同,所以有時不免衍生爭議)。名義上雖為「Single Fare」,但實際上仍施行差別票價規定(優惠票與全票間的差額由政府補貼)。現行單段票價為全票15元;學生票12元(僅限於使用Student Easycard,若為投現則票價比照full fare);老人、身心障礙者與兒童 [範圍包括65歲以上的lcoal residents and foreigners、age over 55aboriginal、持有身心障礙手冊之身心障礙者與escort(only one person),and children is under age of 12。] Concession $8.(老人悠遊卡若有免費點數則扣2點)。

Transfer concession

Users of the easycard can enjoy the concession when transferring between buses and MRTs within one hour; when applicable this concession, full fare is 8 dollars, student fare is 6 dollars, elders, handicappers and children's concession fare is 4 dollars (Elders easycard deduct one point if it has free points)but only one section of one ride can apply for this fare.


Literally "List of Taipei Lianying bus routes"

Ordinary routes


The route number which is one and two digit

*Start with 0:0、0 East、0 South、0 West、0 North was goes through Taipei Main Station cilcular routes in former,依行駛方向不同分為左線和右線。目前僅剩不再具有循環routes型態的0東、0南;為了便於區別routes,也都already left, right lane divide is canceled。例如:已改號為652的0東右線;曾改號為653,finally terminate operation's 0 South left line。
*其他個位數、兩位數routes號碼:早期以one section charge的routes為主。這類號碼當中,有些是route number already exist before lianyang system is performed,Lianyang System practiced after continue to using。Example:12。

The route number which is three digit

*1 Initial:Recreational bus routes。
*2 Initial:剛開始以二段票收費的routes為主。例如:299(輔大—永春高中,分段點為Taipei Main Station)。
*3 Initial:剛開始以三段票收費的routes為主。例如:早期306有饒河街、Taipei橋兩個分段點。目前除了304承德線與重慶線外,其他routes皆已改為二段票收費。
*5 Initial:起初皆為以冷氣車營運的一段票收費routes。所有busroutes皆以冷氣車營運後,此項區別已經沒有多少實益。
*6 Initial:起初皆為以冷氣車營運的二段票收費routes。此項區別已少有實益,理由同上。
*7 Initial:原本為地方公路客運routes,1997年後加入Lianyang體系的三段票收費routes(一段票、二段票收費routes編入5 Initial與6 Initial號碼)。部份routes後來改為二段票收費。
*8 Initial:皆為Taipei County交通局管轄的「縣轄bus」routes。例如:801(五股—松山機場)
*9 Initial:Express bus(903初期甚至僅於上、下班時間行駛),多為行經高速公路快速道路的routes。例如:908( MRT Jian-an Station—Sansia;行經國道三號(Formosa Freeway)。

Trunk routes

Serving major thoroughfares in Taipei City, these trunk routes are named after the major thoroughfares they serve: "Xinyi Trunk Line," for example, serves a major length of Xinyi Road. Some of the trunk routes were later renumbered due to change in transit policy. Nanjing Trunk, seving Nanjing East and West Roads, for example, were renamed as "MacArthur New Village shuttle bus," then later renamed as "Red 25" as a feeder shuttle to the MRT red line. Zhongxiao Trunk, serving Zhongxiao East and West Roads, was dropped due to the route overlapping with the MRT Blue Line. With the addition of low-floor buses and the inauguration of Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall, a new "Zhongxiao New Trunk Line" was added along with "Xinyi New Trunk Line."

Recreational bus routes

Recreational routes transport passengers to tourist attractions or recreational areas. Some routes run on all holidays (108 circles Yangmingshan National Park, while 109, 110 and 111 connects Yangmingshan and Taipei City), while some others only run during special seasons or special holidays. Routes 126–131 run during the Yangmingshan flower season, where access by private cars is limited. 132 runs only on the Duanwu Festival and Moon Festival. Recreational routes are marked with white on green background, and uses different stops as other routes.

"Small" routes

For the convenience of residents living in suburban, mountain areas, smaller buses have been operated since 1979. These routes usually go into mountains and remote areas, and can be flagged down along the route like a taxi; in urban areas, these routes use fixed bus stops. These "small" routes begin with the letter "S," such as "S1" and "S15." Small routes are usually run with 20-seat mini buses and were operated by the Taipei City Bus Administration. After the TCBA has been privatized, all the S routes have been released along their service vehicles to Danan Bus, Capital Bus and Southeast Bus. 為了提高業者承接小型busroutes的意願,大多同意業者於接手後modify routes,以兼顧服務山區居民與業者獲利考量。部份routes經過調整後,行駛於山區與 MRT 站間,兼具 MRT shuttle bus的功能,所以不一定以小型巴士營運。例如:S1 local bus(內溝— MRT Kunyang Station,原本只行駛至Xinnan Temple、Nangang Farmers' Asscoation一帶,Southeast Bus接手後,將route extend to MRT Kunyang Station)。

Low-floor bus

In 2001, Taipei City Bus Administration (now Metropolitan Transit Company) imported 30 low-floor buses from Hungary, and are assigned to routes 22, 41, 49, 63, 74, 222, 270, 277, 285, 287, 601, 606 and 630. In 2008, with subsidy from the Taipei City Traffic Bureau, private operators started purchasing low-floor buses. Zhongxiao New Trunk Line (忠孝新幹線), jointly operated by Zhongxing Bus (中興巴士) and Kwanghwa Bus (光華巴士) uses 20 low-floor buses imported from mainland China. Xinyi New Trunk Line (信義新幹線), operated by Capital Bus (首都客運), as well as 72, 902, 220 and Brown 9, will all have low-floor buses.

Citizen Mini Bus

In 2007, the Taipei City Traffic Bureau planned several Citizens Mini Bus routes, to provide the "last mile" shuttle needs from MRT stations to communities. These routes usually do not cross over into another district, and goes by MRT stations or major bus transfer points. With the exception of "S27," all mini bus routes begin with an "M." Originally 11 routes were planned, although 4 were dropped in favor of themed bus routes (see below) in the western portion of Taipei City due to policies. 6 routes were later put into service as of 2007.

Themes bus routes

The themed routes emphasize tourism and have been in operation since 2008. They fall between the Citizen Mini Bus and the Recreational Buses. These routes mostly run in Wanhwa and Tatung Districts (萬華區、大同區). Originally planned as 4 Citizens Mini Bus routes, after evaluation and urban revitalization policies for the two districts, these routes were later presented as themed bus routes for tourism, as they are rather different from the commuter-oriented Citizens Mini Bus. Two of these themed routes are in service as of 2008, and are free for passengers.

MRT shuttle routes

The MRT shuttles have been operated since 1999 as a feeder network to the MRT, shuttling passengers between areas without MRT service to MRT stations. The routes are identified by the respective MRT lines it serves. As an example, BL 7 serves the MRT Blue Line, while BR 10 serves the MRT Brown Line.

These shuttle routes are generally short, though some shuttle routes serves two or more MRT stations on different routes. R 32, for example, serves both the Chungshan Junior High School (of Brown Line) and Minquan West Road stations (of Red Line).

Originally, the vehicle bumpers were required to be painted with the respective MRT line colors. G 2, for example serves the Brown, Green and Orange Lines, therefore was required to have bumpers painted in brown, green and orange, later all painted in green. As of now most vehicles have their bumpers returned to the original livery, pink.

Industrial park commuter routes

As more businesses started moving into Neihu Technology Park and Nangang Software Park, the surrounding roads see a dramatic increase in traffic. Taipei City Traffic Bureau, as a response, planned routes that connect the industrial parks and MRT stations, as well as commuter express buses to Taipei County. The express routes utilize expressways, freeways, and/or bus lanes to shorten the commute.

Bo-ai bus routes

In order to services move disabled,and taking Wheel chair to move of handicapped,so specially operate that "Bo-ai bus",changed from general vehicle。However, handicappeds takes is very few in fact;Kanfgu Bus(Only for handicapped)vehicle reserved and「Door to door service」is being popular, too,班次不多的Bo-ai bus功能上幾乎已與一般routes無異。目前僅有的one route of bo-ai busroutes and 277(松德站—榮總)行駛routesis same,大都會其他經過醫院的routes則是在固定時刻派以身障bus(Natural Gas Low bottom dish bus)提供服務。中興巴士集團中的中興巴士與光華巴士則於Since 2008 March,聯合 operate Zhongxiao Trunk Line,with all in low bottom dish bus。

pecial routes style divide

There are many sub-routes using the same route number but operating between different destinations. Usually the red is the main, primary route (正線). Other sub-routes are further divided, using the destination sign on the bus or an acrylic panel sign on the dashboard.
*Short line: only operates part of the main line, usually servicing the segment with the highest ridership. The route number is often colored in green.
**For example, 260 (main line) runs between Yangmingshan and Dongyuan, while the 260 (short line) only runs half of the length between Yangmingshan and Taipei Railway Station.
*Secondary lines: usually overlaps with part of the primary route, with route numbers colored in green or blue, or marked with the major thoroughfares the routes serve. Often times secondary lines will be renumbered.
**Example: 245 (secondary line via Yu-min Road) and 245 (main line) used to serve between De-lin Institute and Taipei (the main line has been extended to Taipei City Hall), but the secondary route serves Yu-min Road, which the primary route does not. There's also 245 (Ching-shan Line) that serves the eastern portion of Ming-duh Road in Tucheng. "245 (secondary route via Yu-min Road) has been renumbered 656, while 245 (Ching-shan Line) has been renumbered 657.
**Example: The 605 has a secondary route via Chung-yang Road and another one serving the Shin-tai-wu Road, using the new State Route 5.
**Example: 643 (Jin-shiu—Fushing North Village) is renumbered from 642 (secondary route) , while the route profile was originally different from 642 (primary route, Ching-tan—Fushing North Village).
***Examples of econdary routes seceded from their respective primary routes and renumbered: 650/647, 656 and 657 with 245, 909/906.
*Direct service uses expressways or cuts shortcuts compared to the primary, main route.
**Example: 214 direct (Chungho — National Defense Medical Center) uses Yungho Road in Yungho, while the primary route detours and serves Jhu-lin and Zhongzheng Roads.
**Example: 212 direct (212 via Zhongxiao East Road) serves Zhongxiao East and West Roads, while the main line detours and serves Nangang, Xiangyang and Yungjih Roads.
*Left / right routes: separated by the direction traveling. Since it causes confusion, as of writing only Green 2 and 貓空遊園bus are separated into left and right lines.
**Example: 672 is formerly "254 left line", while 254 used to be "254 right line."
*Rapid routes: utilize expressways and/or freeways, and/or have limited stops. These routes have numbers start with a 9, or appear as secondary routes, often serving the same destinations.
**Example: 605 express (Sihjhi—Taipei Main Station) uses Huandong Boulevard and the National Freeway 1.
*Night owl service [ [ night owl service information] ] : a few routes have fixed departures after the end of regular service. Night owl fare s higher than regular fare.
**As of now the routes that have night owl service include: 39, 212via Zhongxiao East Road, 236, 265 and 287.

Exceptions to route numbering and coloring
*232: due to route relining, the primary route became 232 and the secondary route 232.
*216:由於正線已停駛,因此區間車為216(車頭LEDroutes號碼顯示器)以及216壓克力routes號碼板);副線為216副(車頭LEDroutes號碼顯示器)以及216(Yakeli routes number plate)。


*Beside ordinary routes之外,還有Culture buses in the past、「中型冷氣bus」…等曾經短暫出現的特殊類型routes。中型冷氣bus於1976年7月1日上路,原本routes號碼以「中」字 Initial(中1、中2…等),1979年9月6日之後才將routes號碼改為5 Initial及6 Initial,轉變為一般routes。
*早期由於避諱帶有「死」字諧音的數字「4」,以及西洋傳統上的不吉利數字「13」,因此完全不以4單獨作為routes號碼,也不以4作為three digitsroutes numbing的 Initial(至今依舊如此);此外,一般routes、小型busroutes當中,目前也仍舊沒有以13作為號碼的routes(但 MRT 接駁bus部分有紅13、綠13)。
*In past based for policial concern,原本具有吉祥意涵的數字「8(發)」(避免觸及歷史上的China Communist PartyEight Road Army」),同樣完全沒有被單獨採用為routes號碼,亦未作為three digitsroutes號碼的 Initial;二位數routes號碼則只有1980年代原 市bus處的80(陽明山─馬槽,已停駛)。後來隨著County contralled bus上路,才有8、88和8 Initial的three digitsroutes號碼, MRT 接駁bus部分亦有綠8. This number 228 (隱喻228 incident)also not be used as route number。


*List of Taipei Lianying Bus routes
*List of Taipei Lianying Bus canceled routes

Notes and references

ee also


External links

Bus ally companies

* [ 大都會客運] Zh icon
* [ Capital Bus] Zh icon
* [ 三重客運] Zh icon
* [ 中興巴士關係企業] Zh icon
* [ Taipei客運] Zh icon
* [ Shin-Shin Bus] Zh icon
* [ 大南汽車] Zh icon
* [ 大有巴士、福和客運]
* [ 東南客運] Zh icon
*Xindian Bus(新店客運)

Taipei county, urban and rural village free community bus

* [ 淡水鎮免費社區bus]
* [ 三芝鄉社區bus]
* [ 石門鄉社區bus]
* [ 金山鄉免費社區巴士]
* [ 萬里鄉社區bus]
* [ 汐止社區巴士]
* [ 石碇鄉社區巴士]
* [ 烏來鄉社區巴士]
* [ 中和市 MRT 接駁bus]
* [ 永和市民免費接駁車]
* [ 五股鄉接駁巴士]
* [ 蘆洲市社區巴士]
* [ 林口鄉免費社區巴士]
* [ 八里鄉社區免費巴士]

Other external links

* [ Taipei Bus and Transportation Information System]
* [ Taipei County Government] Zh icon
* [ Taipei City ATIS Web] Zh icon/En icon
* [ Taipei Smart Card Corporation]
* [ Keelung、Taipei bus information(yoyonet website)] Zh icon
* [ 「Banciao bus station/Willie transfer station/Ming-yuan bus station」united station] Zh icon
* [ E-Bus System] Zh icon

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