

In the fictional world of Robert Jordan's fantasy series "The Wheel of Time", Shienar is the easternmost of the Borderlands; the capital is Fal Moran. The current ruler of Shienar is Easar Togita. Shienarans are a very polite people, which might seem at odds with their ferocity in battle and long history of defending against the Blight. Shienaran men (especially soldiers) often wear a long topknot with the rest of their head shaved. Shienar has excelled at effectively deploying heavy cavalry.

Before the fall of Malkier to the Blight, Shienar was not truly of the borderlands, having no border along the edge of the Blight. Now, as the easternmost of the Borderlands, it faces threats not only from the Great Blight, but from the Aiel Waste as well.

Shienar is thought by many to be based in part on Japan; Shienaran warriors bear a close resemblance to Japanese samurai and many Old Tongue phrases in common use in Shienar are similar to Japanese. The name "Shienar" is similar to the land of Shinar in ancient Babylonia.


Like Fal Dara, known at the time of the Trolloc Wars as Mafal Dadaranelle, all of the towns in Shienar are built to function as fortresses. All are built on hills, to gain a commanding view of the countryside. They are surrounded by stone walls and heavy iron gates. Nothing taller than short grass is allowed to remain for at least a half-mile beyond the town walls.

While the capital is Fal Moran, the cities closer to the Blightborder, such as Fal Dara, more closely embody the fighting spirit of Shienar. Everything except the surrounding farms is enclosed within the city walls. Fal Dara, and the cities like it, are built for strength rather than beauty.

According to Shienaran law, no one is permitted to wear a hood or to cover their face within the city walls. This is an effort to prevent Myrddraal from entering the cities. Also, the streets of these cities are very well lit, to try and prevent the shadows the Myrddraal need to appear and disappear at will.


The closeness of the Blight to Shienar colors all aspects of Shienaran life and culture. The constant fighting greatly affects the way the Shienaran warriors view life. They consider peace, beauty, and life as their three most important values: peace, because they have never known it; beauty, because they are so near the corruption of the Blight; and life, because they are sworn to death. A saying Shienar warriors say to each other in leaving is "Peace favor your sword."

Also, as is noted at various intervals throughout the books (predominantly the first few), men and women in Shienar bathe together publicly, regardless of class or title. This fact is the cause of great embarrassment on behalf of the Two Rivers folk.

Burial customs

To Shienaran warriors, it is the quality of life that matters, not any material wealth that is gained. Soldiers are buried unclothed, in the belief that all came from the earth, and they wish to return as they came to the "last embrace of the mother".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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