List of members of Canada's Sports Hall of Fame

List of members of Canada's Sports Hall of Fame

This list shows all the members of Canada's Sports Hall of Fame.


* Bob Abate, 1976
* Jack Adams, 1975
* Frank Amyot, 1955
* Doug Anakin, 1964
* George Anderson, 1973
* Syl Apps, 1975
* Don Arnold, 1957
* George Athans, 1974
* Marcel Aubut, 1999


* Donovan Bailey, 2004
* Dan Bain, 1971
* Norm Baker, 1955
* Al Balding, 1969
* Matt Baldwin, 1973
* James Ball, 1959
* Norval Baptie, 1963
* Carling Bassett-Seguso, 2001
* Harry Batstone, 1975
* Father David Bauer, 1973
* Steve Bauer, 2005
* Alex Baumann, 1987
* Bob Bédard, 1996
* Myriam Bédard, 1998
* George Beers, 1979
* Paul Beeston, 2005
* Frenchy Belanger, 1956
* Jean Beliveau, 1975
* Jane Bell, 1955
* Marilyn Bell, 1958
* Big Ben, 1996
* Sylvie Bernier, 1987
* Jack Bionda, 1982
* Toe Blake, 1975
* "The Bluenose", 1955
* Gilmour Boa, 1958
* Martin Boland, 1977
* Arnie Boldt, 1977
* Mike Bossy, 2007
* Frank Boucher, 1975
* Gaétan Boucher, 1984
* Norris Bowden, 1955
* Johnny Bower, 1999
* Scotty Bowman, 2004
* Ab Box, 1975
* Beverly Boys, 1979
* Isabelle Brasseur, 1996
* Joe Breen, 1975
* Carl Brewer, 2002
* Cal Bricker, 1956
* Lela Brooks, 1972
* Eugene Brosseau, 1956
* Lou Brouillard, 1955
* George Brown, 1956
* Kurt Browning, 1994
* Ellen Burka, 1996
* Petra Burka, 1965
* Sylvia Burka, 1977
* Des Burke, 1972
* Tommy Burns, 1955


* Larry Cain, 1997
* Jackie Callura, 1969
* Michelle Cameron, 1991
* Cassie Campbell, 2007
* Clarence Campbell, 1975
* Herb Carnegie, 2001
* Ethel Catherwood, 1955
* George Chenier, 1971
* George Chuvalo, 1990
* King Clancy, 1975
* Dit Clapper, 1975
* Leslie Cliff, 1984
* Betsy Clifford, 1970
* Cyril Coaffee, 1956
* Jim Coleman, 1985
* Charlie Conacher, 1975
* Lionel Conacher, 1955
* Bill Cook, 1975
* Myrtle Cook, 1955
* Gerard Cote, 1956
* Johnny Coulon, 1955
* Gary Cowan, 1967
* Ernie Cox, 1975
* Eric Coy, 1971
* Ross B. Craig, 1975
* Toller Cranston, 1977
* Dennis Croke, 1977
* Bill Crothers, 1971
* Wes Cutler, 1975
* Louis Cyr, 1955


* Frances Dafoe, 1955
* Jack Davies, 1978
* Victor Davis, 1990
* Jim Day, 1968
* John Degruchy, 1975
* Victor Delamarre, 1973
* Jack Delaney, 1955
* Jack Dennett, 1975
* Etienne Desmarteau, 1955
* Phyllis Dewar, 1971
* Glen Dexter, 1981
* Walter D'Hondt, 1957
* Marcel Dionne, 1997
* George Dixon, 1955
* Paul Dojack, 1995
* Jack Donohue, 2004
* David Dore, 2008
* Clare Drake, 1989
* Jerome Drayton, 1978
* Gordie Drillon, 1989
* Ken Dryden, 1984
* George Duggan, 1962
* Don Duguid, 1991
* Milt Dunnell, 1991
* Yvon Durelle, 1975
* Bill Durnan, 1986
* George Duthie, 1969


* Phil Edwards, 1997
* Lloyd Eisler, 1996
* James Elder, 1968
* Eddie Emerson, 1975
* John Emery, 1964
* Victor Emery, 1964
* Johnny Esaw, 1991
* Phil Esposito, 1989
* Walter Ewing, 1958


* 1996 Summer Olympics 4x100m track & field relay team, 2008
**Donovan Bailey
**Robert Esmie
**Glenroy Gilbert
**Bruny Surin
* Edouard Fabre, 1964
* Bernie Faloney, 1999
* Cap Fear, 1975
* Elmer Ferguson, 1968
* Hervé Filion, 1969
* Howard Firby, 1979
* Hugh Fisher, 2000
* Billy Fitzgerald, 1961
* Pat Fletcher, 1975
* Doug Flutie, 2007
* Hans Fogh, 1985
* Sylvie Fortier, 1977
* Red Foster, 1984
* Terry Fox, 1981
* Sylvie Frechette, 1999
* Lori Fung, 2004


* Tony Gabriel, 1985
* Bob Gainey, 1995
* Marc Gagnon, 2008
* Sheldon Galbraith, 1980
* Hugh Gall, 1975
* Danny Gallivan, 1989
* Nancy Garapick, 2008
* Charlie Gardiner, 1975
* George Gate, 1983
* Jake Gaudaur Jr., 1990
* Jake Gaudaur Sr., 1956
* Tom Gayford, 1968
* George Genereux, 1955
* Bernie Geoffrion, 1994
* Eddie Gerard, 1975
* George "Mooney" Gibson, 1958
* Pat Gillick, 2008
* Tony Golab, 1975
* Avelino Gomez, 1990
* Charles Gorman, 1955
* George Goulding, 1955
* Geoff Gowan, 2002
* Laurie Graham, 1993
* George Gray, 1973
* Nancy Greene, 1967
* Jean Grenier, 1992
* Wayne Gretzky, 2000
* Harry Griffith, 1975
* George Gross, 2005
* Jack Guest, 1955
* Horace "Lefty" Gwynne, 1955


* Glenn Hall, 1993
* Sydney Halter, 1975
* Jack Hamilton, 1972
* Ned Hanlan, 1955
* Rick Hansen, 2006
* Fritz Hanson, 1987
* Curt Harnett, 2005
* Barney Hartman, 1980
* Doug Harvey, 1975
* Sandy Hawley, 1998
* Robert Hayward, 1960
* Kathleen Heddle, 1997
* Anne Heggtveit, 1960
* Paul Henderson, 1995
* Doug Hepburn, 1955
* Foster Hewitt, 1975
* Ike Hildebrand, 1985
* John Hiller, 1999
* George Hodgson, 1955
* Abby Hoffman, 2004
* Tim Horton, 2002
* Kid Howard, 1972
* Gordie Howe, 1975
* Bobby Hull, 1988
* George Hungerford, 1964
* Bill Hunter, 2001
* Jules Huot, 1978
* Ralph Hutton, 1977


* Dick Irvin, 1975
* Robert Isbister Sr., 1975
* Daniel Igali, 2007


* Sam Jacks, 2007
* Donald Jackson, 1962
* Harvey "Busher" Jackson, 1975
* Roger Jackson, 1964
* Russ Jackson, 1975
* Edward James
* Maria Jelinek, 1962
* Otto Jelinek, 1962
* Ferguson Jenkins, 1987
* Harry Jerome, 1971
* Aurel Joliat, 1975
* Andreas Josenhans, 1981
* Gordon Juckes


* Red Kelly, 1975
* Bobby Kerr, 1955
* Bruce Kidd, 1968
* Peter Kirby, 1964
* Walter Knox, 1955
* George Knudson, 1969
* Kathy Kreiner, 1976
* Joe Krol, 1975
* Joseph Kryczka, 1990
* Norman Kwong, 1975


* Guy Lafleur, 1996
* Patrick Lally, 1965
* Newsy Lalonde, 1955
* Nathalie Lambert, 2002
* Ron Lancaster, 1985
* Sam Langford, 1955
* Silken Laumann, 1998
* Jack Laviolette, 1960
* Smirle Lawson, 1975
* Frank Leadley, 1975
* René Lecavalier, 1994
* Kerrin Lee-Gartner, 1995
* Catriona LeMay Doan
* Mario Lemieux, 1998
* Stan Leonard, 1964
* Lucille Lessard, 1977
* Jean-Louis Lévesque, 1986
* Lennox Lewis, 2008
* Dorothy Lidstone, 1977
* Ted Lindsay, 2002
* Don Loney, 1988
* Tom Longboat, 1955
* Johnny Longden, 1958
* Lorne Loomer, 1957
* Jocelyn Lovell, 1985
* Sammy Luftspring, 1985
* Cliff Lumsdon, 1976
* George Lyon, 1955


* Irene MacDonald, 1981
* Noel MacDonald, 1971
* Hartland MacDougall, 1976
* Ada MacKenzie, 1955
* Dan MacKinnon, 1957
* Sandy MacMillan, 1981
* Karen Magnussen, 1973
* Frank Mahovlich, 1990
* Joe Malone, 1975
* George Mara, 1993
* Phil Marchildon, 1976
* Wilbert Martel, 1962
* Paul Martini, 1988
* Charles Mayer, 1971
* Marnie McBean, 1997
* Harry McBrien, 1978
* Daniel McCarthy, 1977
* Dennis McCarthy , 1977
* Earl McCready, 1967
* Jack McCullough, 1960
* Frank McGill, 1959
* Archie McKinnon, 1957
* Jimmy McLarnin, 1963
* Samuel McLaughlin, 1963
* Duncan McNaughton, 1963
* Donald McPherson, 1963
* Johnny Miles, 1967
* Ian Millar, 1996
* "Miss Supertest III", 1960
* Ray Mitchell, 1973
* Percy Molson, 1975
* Howie Morenz, 1955
* Alwyn Morris, 2000
* Teddy Morris, 1975
* Al Morrow, 2006
* Debbie Muir, 1995
* Athol Murray, 1972
* Ken Murray, 1980


* James Naismith, 1955
* Susan Nattrass, 1977
* Cindy Nicholas, 1993
* Frank Nighbor, 1975
* Moe Norman, 2006
* Ron Northcott, 1970
* Northern Dancer, 1965
* John Nugent, 1977


* Andy O'Brien, 1980
* Joe O'Brien, 1965
* Bill O'Donnell, 1992
* John O'Neill, 1966
* Tip O'Neill, 1994
* Bobby Orr, 1982
* Brian Orser, 1991
* George Orton, 1977
* Anne Ottenbrite, 1994
* Gerry Ouellette, 1957


* Percy Page, 1955
* "Paris Crew", 1956
** Robert Fulton
** Samuel Hutton
** George Price
** Elija Ross
* Jackie Parker, 1987
* Tom Pashby, 2000
* Frank Patrick, 1975
* Lester Patrick, 1975
* Robert Paul, 1957
* Henry "Bobby" Pearce, 1975
* Doug Peden, 1979
* Torchy Peden, 1955
* Lloyd Percival, 1976
* Karen Percy, 1994
* Gordon Perry, 1975
* Norman Perry, 1975
* Garth Pischke,1999
* Jacques Plante, 1981
* Steve Podborski, 1987
* Sam Pollock, 1982
* Bob Porter, 1969
* Sandra Post, 1988
* Denis Potvin, 2001
* Walter Power, 1977
* Jonathon Power, 2006
* Gerald Presley, 1965
* Harry Price, 1970
* Joe Primeau, 1975
* John Primrose, 1977
* Jack Purcell, 1955


* Silver Quilty, 1975


* Pat Ramage, 1984
* Claude Raymond, 2005
* Harold Rea, 1976
* Ken Read, 1986
* George Reed, 1984
* Ted Reeve, 1959
* Henri Richard, 1992
* Maurice Richard, 1975
* Richardson Curling Team, 1968
** Arnold Richardson
** Ernie Richardson
** Garnet Richardson
** Wes Richardson
* Con Riley, 1974
* Al Ritchie, 1964
* Bruce Robertson, 1977
* Blondie Robinson, 1971
* Larry Robinson, 2004
* Fred Robson, 1971
* Doug Rogers, 1977
* Shotty Rogers, 1973
* Bobbie Rosenfeld, 1955
* Art Ross, 1975
* William James Roué, 1955
* Paul Rowe, 1975
* Louis Rubenstein, 1955
* Jeff Russell, 1975
* Joe Ryan, 1975
* Thomas F. Ryan, 1971
* Gus Ryder, 1963

* Emile St. Godard, 1956
* Claude Saunders, 1982
* Julie Sauvé, 2006
* Terry Sawchuk, 1975
* Milt Schmidt, 1975
* Schmirler Curling Team, 2000
** Jan Betker
** Marcia Gudereit
** Joan McCusker
** Sandra Schmirler
* Bert Schneider, 1975
* Louis Scholes, 1955
* Barbara Ann Scott, 1955
* Beckie Scott, 2007
* Bob Secord, 1993
* Frank J. Selke, 1975
* Peggy Seller, 1966
* Frank Shaughnessy, 1974
* Marjory Shedd, 1970
* Bill Sherring, 1955
* Eddie Shore, 1975
* Ben Simpson, 1975
* Bullet Joe Simpson
* William Simpson, 1971
* Ethel Smith, 1955
* Graham Smith, 1986
* Herman Smith-Johannsen, 1982
* Conn Smythe, 1975
* Ross Somerville, 1955
* Gerry Sorensen, 1989
* Ron Southern and Margaret Southern, 2006
* Jim Speers, 1966
* Dave Sprague, 1975
* Frank Stack, 1974
* Robert Steadward, 2007
* Dave Steen, 1992
* Nels Stewart, 1975
* Ron Stewart, 1989
* Bummer Stirling, 1975
* Elvis Stojko, 2006
* Red Storey, 1986
* Marlene Streit, 1962
* Hilda Strike, 1972
* Annis Stukus, 1991
* Jack Sullivan, 1983
* Summit Series Hockey Team, 2005 [Summit Series team members Phill Esposito, Paul Henderson, Ken Dryden, and Frank Mahovlich had previously been inducted.]
** Don Awrey
** Red Berenson
** Gary Bergman
** Wayne Cashman
** Bobby Clarke
** Yvan Cournoyer
** Ron Ellis
** Tony Esposito
** John Ferguson
** Rod Gilbert
** Brian Glennie
** Bill Goldsworthy
** Jocelyn Guevremont
** Vic Hadfield
** Dennis Hull
** Ed Johnston
** Guy Lapointe
** Peter Mahovlich
** Richard Martin
** Stan Mikita
** J.P. Parise
** Brad Park
** Gilbert Perreault
** Jean Ratelle
** Mickey Redmond
** Serge Savard
** Harry Sinden
** Pat Stapleton
** Dale Tallon
** Bill White


* Elaine Tanner, 1971
* Cyclone Taylor, 1975
* E. P. Taylor, 1974
* Ron Taylor, 1993
* Mark Tewksbury, 1995
* Linda Thom, 1992
* Jim Thompson, 1960
* Earl Thomson, 1955
* Cliff Thorburn, 2001
* Brian Timmis, 1975
* Andy Tommy, 1976
* Cathy Townsend, 1977
* Jim Trifunov, 1960
* Joe Tubman, 1975
* Ron Turcotte, 1980
* Dave Turner, 1955


* Barbara Underhill, 1988


* Helen Vanderburg, 1983
* Maury Van Vliet, 1997
* Gilles Villeneuve, 1983


* Barbara Wagner, 1957
* Carolyn Waldo, 1991
* Larry Walker, 2007
* Nick Wall, 1979
* Angus Walters, 1955
* Dorothy Walton, 1961
* Keith Waples, 1973
* Ken Watson, 1969
* Hawley Welch, 1975
* Nick Weslock, 1971
* John Whalen, 1977
* Lucille Wheeler, 1958
* Denis Whitaker, 1990
* Percy Williams, 1955
* Bruce Wilson, 2000
* Harold Wilson, 1975
* Jean Wilson, 1955
* Walter Windeyer, 1972
* Pappy Wood, 1977
* George Woolf, 1956
* Jim Worrall, 1987
* Harold Wright, 1987
* Jack Wright, 1955
* Joe Wright Jr., 1955
* Joe Wright Sr., 1955


* George Young, 1955
* Jim Young, 2002
* Michael Young, 1965
* Steve Yzerman, 2008


robert a. hayward needs to be replaced with robert d. hayward

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