

The bandurria is a plectrum plucked chordophone from Spain, similar to the cittern and the mandolin, primarily used in Spanish folk music.

The original bandurrias of the Medieval period had three strings. During the Renaissance they gained a fourth string. During the Baroque period the bandurria had 10 strings (5 pairs). The modern bandurria has 12 strings (6 pairs). The strings are tuned in unison pairs, a major-third above a standard guitar, to G#, c#, f#, b, e and a.


* Philippine Harp Bandurria

A 14 string bandurria used in many Philippine folkloric songs, with 16 frets and shorter neck than the 18 string bandurria. This instrument probably evolved in the Philippines while the Spanish occupation occurred, from 1555 to 1898.

The Filipino bandurria is used in an orchestra of plucked string instruments called rondalla.

ee also

* Laud
* Stringed instrument tunings

External links

* [ Bandurria FAQ]
* [ Rondalla maestro makes strong pitch for banduria] (article about the role of the banduria in music of the Philippines), "Asian Journal Online", November 22, 2007

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