Unicode character property

Unicode character property

Unicode assigns character properties to each code point.[1] These properties can be used to handle "characters" (code points) in processes, like in line-breaking, script direction right-to-left or applying controls. Slightly inconsequently, some "character properties" are also defined for code points that have no character assigned, and code points that are labeled like "<not a character>".

Properties have levels of forcefulness: normative, informative, contributory, or provisional. For practical reasons, a character property can be assigned by specifying a continuous range of code points that have the same property.


Character property


Unicode characters are assigned a unique Name (na).[1] The name, in English, is composed of A-Z capitals, 0-9 digits, - (hyphen-minus) and <space>. Some sequences are excluded: beginning space, hyphen; ending space, hyphen; repeated spaces, hyphens; space after hyphen are not allowed. The name is guaranteed to be unique within Unicode, and can be used to identify a code point and its character. Ideographic characters, of which there are ten of thousands, are named in the pattern "cjk unified ideograph-hhhh", like for U+4E00 cjk unified ideograph-4e00. Formatting characters are named too: U+00A0   no-break space.

Starting from Unicode version 2.0, the published name for a code point will never change. In the event of a misspelling in a publication, a correct name will later be assigned to the code point as an Character Name Alias. Within the whole range of names, an alias is unique too.

Apart from these normative names, informal names can be assigned. These are usually other commonly used names for a character, used for illustration, but these informal names are not guaranteed to be unique.

The next code points do not have a Name (na=""): Controls (General Category: Cc), Private use (Cp), Surrogate (Cs), Non-characters (Cn) and Reserved (Cn). They may be referenced, informally, by a generic or specific meta-name, called "Code Point Labels": <control>, <control-0088>, <reserved>, <noncharacter-hhhh>, <private-use-hhhh>, <surrogate>. Since these labels contain <>-brackets, they can never appear as a Name, which prevents mixing up.

Version 1.0 names

In version 2.0 of Unicode, many names were changed. From then on the rule "a name will never change" came into effect, including the strict (normative) use of alias names. Disused version 1.0-names were moved to the property Alias, to provide some backward compatibility.

General Category

Each code point is assigned a value for General Category. This is one of the character properties that are also defined for unassigned code points, and code points that are defined "not a character".


  1. ^ Unicode 6.0, Chapter 4, table 4-9
  2. ^ a b Unicode 6.0, Chapter 2, table 2-3: Types of code points
  3. ^ a b Stability policy: Property Value Stability and table. Stability policy: Some gc groups will never change. gc=Nd corresponds with Numeric Type=De (decimal).
  4. ^ a b c d e Unicode 6.0, Chapter 4, table 4-12 Name=""; a Code Point Label may be used to identify a nameless code point. E.g. <control-hhhh>, <control-0088>. The Name remains blank, which can prevent inadvertently replacing, in documentation, a Control Name with a true Control code. Unicode also uses <not a character> for <noncharacter>.


Whitespace or Whitespace character is a commonly used concept for a typographic effect. Basically it covers invisible characters that have a spacing effect in rendered text. It includes spaces, tabs, and new line formatting controls. In Unicode, such a character has the property set "WSpace=yes". In version 6.0, there are 26 whitespace characters.

v · Whitespace[a] (Unicode character property WSpace=Y)
Code point Name Script General category Remark
&000009U+0009 Common Other, control HT, Horizontal Tab
&000010U+000A Common Other, control LF, Line feed
&000011U+000B Common Other, control VT, Vertical Tab
&000012U+000C Common Other, control FF, Form feed
&000013U+000D Common Other, control CR, Carriage return
&000032U+0020 space Common Separator, space
&000133U+0085 Common Other, control NEL, Newline
&000160U+00A0 no-break space Common Separator, space
&005760U+1680 ogham space mark Ogham Separator, space
&006158U+180E mongolian vowel separator Mongolian Separator, space
&008192U+2000 en quad Common Separator, space
&008193U+2001 em quad Common Separator, space
&008194U+2002 en space Common Separator, space
&008195U+2003 em space Common Separator, space
&008196U+2004 three-per-em space Common Separator, space
&008197U+2005 four-per-em space Common Separator, space
&008198U+2006 six-per-em space Common Separator, space
&008199U+2007 figure space Common Separator, space
&008200U+2008 punctuation space Common Separator, space
&008201U+2009 thin space Common Separator, space
&008202U+200A hair space Common Separator, space
&008232U+2028 line separator Common Separator, line
&008233U+2029 paragraph separator Common Separator, paragraph
&008239U+202F narrow no-break space Common Separator, space
&008287U+205F medium mathematical space Common Separator, space
&012288U+3000 ideographic space Common Separator, space
a. ^ Unicode 6.0, Chapter 4.6

Other important general characteristics

(dash, ideographic, alphabetic, noncharacter, deprecated, and so on)

Display-related properties

Shaping, mirroring, width, and so on.

Bidirectional writing

One of Unicode's major features is support of bi-directional (Bidi) text display R-to-L and L-to-R. The Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm[6] describes the process of presenting text with altering script directions. To facilitate this feature, Unicode has defined four Bidi character properties, and seven special Bidi formatting control characters. These characters only affect this bi-directional writing.

Each code point has a property called Bidirectional Character Type, formally Bidi_Class. It defines their behaviour in a bidirectional text as interpreted by the algorithm. There are 19 possible types.

In normal situations, the algorithm can determine the direction of a text by this character property. To control more complex Bidi situations, e.g. when an English text has a Hebrew quote, extra options are added to Unicode. Seven characters have the property Bidi_Control=Yes: LRM, RLM, LRE, RLE, PDF, LRO, RLO as named in the table. These are invisible formatting control characters, only used by the algorithm and with no effect outside of bidirectional formatting.[6] Despite the name, they are formatting characters, not control characters, and have General category "Other, format (Cf)" in the Unicode definition.

Basically, the algorithm determines a sequence of characters with the same strong direction type (R-to-L or L-to-R), taking in account an overruling by the special Bidi-controls. Number strings (Weak types) are assigned a direction according to their strong environment, as are Neutral characters. Finally, the characters are displayed per string's direction.

Two other character properties are relevant to the bidirectional text: Bidi_Mirrored=Yes indicates that the glyph should be mirrored when written R-to-L. The property Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph=U+hhhh can then point to the mirrored character. For example, brackets "()" are mirrored this way. Shaping cursive scripts such as Arabic, and mirroring glyphs that have a direction, is not part of the algorithm.


The Case value is Normative in Unicode. It pertains to those scripts with uppercase (aka capital, majuscule) and the lowercase (aka small, minuscule) letter. Case-difference occurs in the scripts Latin, Greek, Coptic, Cyrillic, Glagolitic, Armenian, Deseret, and archaic Georgian.

(upper, lower, title, folding—both simple and full)

Numeric values and types

Characters are classified with a Numeric type.[1] Numeric are all characters such as fractions, subscripts, superscripts, Roman numerals, currency numerators, encircled numbers, and script-specific digits. All these have a numeric value that can be decimal, including zero and negatives, but also a vulgar fraction. If there is not such a value, as with most of the scripts, the numeric type is "None".

The numeric characters are separated in three groups: Decimal (De), Decimal ideographic (Di) and Numeric (Nu, i.e. all other). "Decimal" means the character is a straight decimal digit. Here are excluded fractions, encircled numbers, superscripts etc., which end up with the type "Numeric". The intended effect is that an even more simple parser can use these decimal numeric values, without being distracted by say a numeric superscript or a fraction. Some 41 CJK Ideographs that represent a number, including those used for accounting, are typed "Decimal, ideographic".

On the other hand, characters that could have a numeric value as a second meaning are still marked Numeric type "None", and have no numeric value (""). E.g. Latin letters can be used in paragraph numbering like (II.A.1.b), but the letters "I", "A" and "b" are not numeric (type "None") and have no numeric value.

v · [a] (Unicode character property)
Value Numeric type Is numeric Remarks
None Not numeric No No numeric value
De Decimal digit Yes Straight digit (decimal-radix). Corresponds both ways with General Category=Nd[b]
Di Decimal ideograph Yes CJK ideograph number
Nu Numeric Yes All other: superscript, fraction, encirceled
a. ^ Unicode 6.0, Chapter 4.6
b. ^ Property Value Stability, in Stability policy.


A block is a named, continuous range of code points. It is identified by its first and last code point. It may contain code points that are reserved, not-assigned etc. Each character that is assigned, has a single "block name" value from the currently 209 names. Unassigned code points outside of an existing block, have the default value "No_block".

Unicode blocks and contained scriptsv · Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP)[a][b][c]
Block range Block name Code points[d] Plane Scripts[e][f] Remark
&A&000000U+0000..U+007F Basic Latin 128 0 BMP Latin, Common Formerly called "C0 Controls and Basic Latin"
&A&000080U+0080..U+00FF Latin-1 Supplement 128 0 BMP Latin, Common Fomerly called "C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement"
&A&000100U+0100..U+017F Latin Extended-A 128 0 BMP Latin
&A&000180U+0180..U+024F Latin Extended-B 208 0 BMP Latin
&A&000250U+0250..U+02AF IPA Extensions 96 0 BMP Latin
&A&0002B0U+02B0..U+02FF Spacing Modifier Letters 80 0 BMP Latin, Common
&A&000300U+0300..U+036F Combining Diacritical Marks 112 0 BMP Inherited
&A&000370U+0370..U+03FF Greek and Coptic 144 0 BMP Greek, Coptic, Common
&A&000400U+0400..U+04FF Cyrillic 256 0 BMP Cyrillic, Inherited
&A&000500U+0500..U+052F Cyrillic Supplement 48 0 BMP Cyrillic
&A&000530U+0530..U+058F Armenian 96 0 BMP Armenian, Common
&A&000590U+0590..U+05FF Hebrew 112 0 BMP Hebrew
&A&000600U+0600..U+06FF Arabic 256 0 BMP Arabic, Common, Inherited
&A&000700U+0700..U+074F Syriac 80 0 BMP Syriac
&A&000750U+0750..U+077F Arabic Supplement 48 0 BMP Arabic
&A&000780U+0780..U+07BF Thaana 64 0 BMP Thaana
&A&0007C0U+07C0..U+07FF NKo 64 0 BMP Nko
&A&000800U+0800..U+083F Samaritan 64 0 BMP Samaritan
&A&000840U+0840..U+085F Mandaic 32 0 BMP Mandaic
&A&000900U+0900..U+097F Devanagari 128 0 BMP Devanagari, Common, Inherited
&A&000980U+0980..U+09FF Bengali 128 0 BMP Bengali
&A&000A00U+0A00..U+0A7F Gurmukhi 128 0 BMP Gurmukhi
&A&000A80U+0A80..U+0AFF Gujarati 128 0 BMP Gujarati
&A&000B00U+0B00..U+0B7F Oriya 128 0 BMP Oriya
&A&000B80U+0B80..U+0BFF Tamil 128 0 BMP Tamil
&A&000C00U+0C00..U+0C7F Telugu 128 0 BMP Telugu
&A&000C80U+0C80..U+0CFF Kannada 128 0 BMP Kannada
&A&000D00U+0D00..U+0D7F Malayalam 128 0 BMP Malayalam
&A&000D80U+0D80..U+0DFF Sinhala 128 0 BMP Sinhala
&A&000E00U+0E00..U+0E7F Thai 128 0 BMP Thai, Common
&A&000E80U+0E80..U+0EFF Lao 128 0 BMP Lao
&A&000F00U+0F00..U+0FFF Tibetan 256 0 BMP Tibetan, Common
&A&001000U+1000..U+109F Myanmar 160 0 BMP Myanmar
&A&0010A0U+10A0..U+10FF Georgian 96 0 BMP Georgian, Common
&A&001100U+1100..U+11FF Hangul Jamo 256 0 BMP Hangul
&A&001200U+1200..U+137F Ethiopic 384 0 BMP Ethiopic
&A&001380U+1380..U+139F Ethiopic Supplement 32 0 BMP Ethiopic
&A&0013A0U+13A0..U+13FF Cherokee 96 0 BMP Cherokee
&A&001400U+1400..U+167F Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics 640 0 BMP Canadian Aboriginal
&A&001680U+1680..U+169F Ogham 32 0 BMP Ogham
&A&0016A0U+16A0..U+16FF Runic 96 0 BMP Runic, Common
&A&001700U+1700..U+171F Tagalog 32 0 BMP Tagalog
&A&001720U+1720..U+173F Hanunoo 32 0 BMP Hanunoo, Common
&A&001740U+1740..U+175F Buhid 32 0 BMP Buhid
&A&001760U+1760..U+177F Tagbanwa 32 0 BMP Tagbanwa
&A&001780U+1780..U+17FF Khmer 128 0 BMP Khmer
&A&001800U+1800..U+18AF Mongolian 176 0 BMP Mongolian, Common including Clear and Manchu
&A&0018B0U+18B0..U+18FF Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended 80 0 BMP Canadian Aboriginal
&A&001900U+1900..U+194F Limbu 80 0 BMP Limbu
&A&001950U+1950..U+197F Tai Le 48 0 BMP Tai Le
&A&001980U+1980..U+19DF New Tai Lue 96 0 BMP New Tai Lue
&A&0019E0U+19E0..U+19FF Khmer Symbols 32 0 BMP Khmer
&A&001A00U+1A00..U+1A1F Buginese 32 0 BMP Buginese
&A&001A20U+1A20..U+1AAF Tai Tham 144 0 BMP Tai Tham
&A&001B00U+1B00..U+1B7F Balinese 128 0 BMP Balinese
&A&001B80U+1B80..U+1BBF Sundanese 64 0 BMP Sundanese
&A&001BC0U+1BC0..U+1BFF Batak 64 0 BMP Batak
&A&001C00U+1C00..U+1C4F Lepcha 80 0 BMP Lepcha
&A&001C50U+1C50..U+1C7F Ol Chiki 48 0 BMP Ol Chiki
&A&001CD0U+1CD0..U+1CFF Vedic Extensions 48 0 BMP Common, Inherited
&A&001D00U+1D00..U+1D7F Phonetic Extensions 128 0 BMP Cyrillic, Greek, Latin
&A&001D80U+1D80..U+1DBF Phonetic Extensions Supplement 64 0 BMP Latin, Greek
&A&001DC0U+1DC0..U+1DFF Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement 64 0 BMP Inherited
&A&001E00U+1E00..U+1EFF Latin Extended Additional 256 0 BMP Latin
&A&001F00U+1F00..U+1FFF Greek Extended 256 0 BMP Greek
&A&002000U+2000..U+206F General Punctuation 112 0 BMP Common, Inherited
&A&002070U+2070..U+209F Superscripts and Subscripts 48 0 BMP Latin, Common
&A&0020A0U+20A0..U+20CF Currency Symbols 48 0 BMP Common
&A&0020D0U+20D0..U+20FF Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols 48 0 BMP Inherited
&A&002100U+2100..U+214F Letterlike Symbols 80 0 BMP Latin, Greek, Common
&A&002150U+2150..U+218F Number Forms 64 0 BMP Latin, Common
&A&002190U+2190..U+21FF Arrows 112 0 BMP Common
&A&002200U+2200..U+22FF Mathematical Operators 256 0 BMP Common
&A&002300U+2300..U+23FF Miscellaneous Technical 256 0 BMP Common
&A&002400U+2400..U+243F Control Pictures 64 0 BMP Common
&A&002440U+2440..U+245F Optical Character Recognition 32 0 BMP Common
&A&002460U+2460..U+24FF Enclosed Alphanumerics 160 0 BMP Common
&A&002500U+2500..U+257F Box Drawing 128 0 BMP Common
&A&002580U+2580..U+259F Block Elements 32 0 BMP Common
&A&0025A0U+25A0..U+25FF Geometric Shapes 96 0 BMP Common
&A&002600U+2600..U+26FF Miscellaneous Symbols 256 0 BMP Common
&A&002700U+2700..U+27BF Dingbats 192 0 BMP Common
&A&0027C0U+27C0..U+27EF Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A 48 0 BMP Common
&A&0027F0U+27F0..U+27FF Supplemental Arrows-A 16 0 BMP Common
&A&002800U+2800..U+28FF Braille Patterns 256 0 BMP Braille
&A&002900U+2900..U+297F Supplemental Arrows-B 128 0 BMP Common
&A&002980U+2980..U+29FF Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B 128 0 BMP Common
&A&002A00U+2A00..U+2AFF Supplemental Mathematical Operators 256 0 BMP Common
&A&002B00U+2B00..U+2BFF Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows 256 0 BMP Common
&A&002C00U+2C00..U+2C5F Glagolitic 96 0 BMP Glagolitic
&A&002C60U+2C60..U+2C7F Latin Extended-C 32 0 BMP Latin
&A&002C80U+2C80..U+2CFF Coptic 128 0 BMP Coptic
&A&002D00U+2D00..U+2D2F Georgian Supplement 48 0 BMP Georgian
&A&002D30U+2D30..U+2D7F Tifinagh 80 0 BMP Tifinagh
&A&002D80U+2D80..U+2DDF Ethiopic Extended 96 0 BMP Ethiopic
&A&002DE0U+2DE0..U+2DFF Cyrillic Extended-A 32 0 BMP Cyrillic
&A&002E00U+2E00..U+2E7F Supplemental Punctuation 128 0 BMP Common
&A&002E80U+2E80..U+2EFF CJK Radicals Supplement 128 0 BMP Han
&A&002F00U+2F00..U+2FDF Kangxi Radicals 224 0 BMP Han
&A&002FF0U+2FF0..U+2FFF Ideographic Description Characters 16 0 BMP Common
&A&003000U+3000..U+303F CJK Symbols and Punctuation 64 0 BMP Han, Hangul, Common, Inherited
&A&003040U+3040..U+309F Hiragana 96 0 BMP Hiragana, Common, Inherited
&A&0030A0U+30A0..U+30FF Katakana 96 0 BMP Katakana, Common
&A&003100U+3100..U+312F Bopomofo 48 0 BMP Bopomofo
&A&003130U+3130..U+318F Hangul Compatibility Jamo 96 0 BMP Hangul
&A&003190U+3190..U+319F Kanbun 16 0 BMP Common
&A&0031A0U+31A0..U+31BF Bopomofo Extended 32 0 BMP Bopomofo
&A&0031C0U+31C0..U+31EF CJK Strokes 48 0 BMP Common
&A&0031F0U+31F0..U+31FF Katakana Phonetic Extensions 16 0 BMP Katakana
&A&003200U+3200..U+32FF Enclosed CJK Letters and Months 256 0 BMP Katakana, Hangul, Common
&A&003300U+3300..U+33FF CJK Compatibility 256 0 BMP Katakana, Common
&A&003400U+3400..U+4DBF CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A 6592 0 BMP Han
&A&004DC0U+4DC0..U+4DFF Yijing Hexagram Symbols 64 0 BMP Common
&A&004E00U+4E00..U+9FFF CJK Unified Ideographs 20992 0 BMP Han
&A&00A000U+A000..U+A48F Yi Syllables 1168 0 BMP Yi
&A&00A490U+A490..U+A4CF Yi Radicals 64 0 BMP Yi
&A&00A4D0U+A4D0..U+A4FF Lisu 48 0 BMP Lisu
&A&00A500U+A500..U+A63F Vai 320 0 BMP Vai
&A&00A640U+A640..U+A69F Cyrillic Extended-B 96 0 BMP Cyrillic
&A&00A6A0U+A6A0..U+A6FF Bamum 96 0 BMP Bamum
&A&00A700U+A700..U+A71F Modifier Tone Letters 32 0 BMP Common
&A&00A720U+A720..U+A7FF Latin Extended-D 224 0 BMP Latin, Common
&A&00A800U+A800..U+A82F Syloti Nagri 48 0 BMP Syloti Nagri
&A&00A830U+A830..U+A83F Common Indic Number Forms 16 0 BMP Common
&A&00A840U+A840..U+A87F Phags-pa 64 0 BMP Phags Pa
&A&00A880U+A880..U+A8DF Saurashtra 96 0 BMP Saurashtra
&A&00A8E0U+A8E0..U+A8FF Devanagari Extended 32 0 BMP Devanagari
&A&00A900U+A900..U+A92F Kayah Li 48 0 BMP Kayah Li
&A&00A930U+A930..U+A95F Rejang 48 0 BMP Rejang
&A&00A960U+A960..U+A97F Hangul Jamo Extended-A 32 0 BMP Hangul
&A&00A980U+A980..U+A9DF Javanese 96 0 BMP Javanese
&A&00AA00U+AA00..U+AA5F Cham 96 0 BMP Cham
&A&00AA60U+AA60..U+AA7F Myanmar Extended-A 32 0 BMP Myanmar
&A&00AA80U+AA80..U+AADF Tai Viet 96 0 BMP Tai Viet
&A&00AB00U+AB00..U+AB2F Ethiopic Extended-A 48 0 BMP Ethiopic
&A&00ABC0U+ABC0..U+ABFF Meetei Mayek 64 0 BMP Meetei Mayek
&A&00AC00U+AC00..U+D7AF Hangul Syllables 11184 0 BMP Hangul
&A&00D7B0U+D7B0..U+D7FF Hangul Jamo Extended-B 80 0 BMP Hangul
&A&00D800U+D800..U+DB7F High Surrogates 896 0 BMP
&A&00DB80U+DB80..U+DBFF High Private Use Surrogates 128 0 BMP
&A&00DC00U+DC00..U+DFFF Low Surrogates 1024 0 BMP
&A&00E000U+E000..U+F8FF Private Use Area 6400 0 BMP
&A&00F900U+F900..U+FAFF CJK Compatibility Ideographs 512 0 BMP Han
&A&00FB00U+FB00..U+FB4F Alphabetic Presentation Forms 80 0 BMP Latin, Hebrew, Armenian
&A&00FB50U+FB50..U+FDFF Arabic Presentation Forms-A 688 0 BMP Arabic, Common
&A&00FE00U+FE00..U+FE0F Variation Selectors 16 0 BMP Inherited
&A&00FE10U+FE10..U+FE1F Vertical Forms 16 0 BMP Common
&A&00FE20U+FE20..U+FE2F Combining Half Marks 16 0 BMP Inherited
&A&00FE30U+FE30..U+FE4F CJK Compatibility Forms 32 0 BMP Common
&A&00FE50U+FE50..U+FE6F Small Form Variants 32 0 BMP Common
&A&00FE70U+FE70..U+FEFF Arabic Presentation Forms-B 144 0 BMP Arabic, Common
&A&00FF00U+FF00..U+FFEF Halfwidth and fullwidth forms 240 0 BMP Latin, Katakana, Hangul, Common
&A&00FFF0U+FFF0..U+FFFF Specials 16 0 BMP Common


  1. ^ a b c Unicode Blocks data file. As of Unicode version 6.0
  2. ^ a b c UAX 24: Unicode Script Property (4alpha code)
  3. ^ a b c UAX 24: Script data file
  4. ^ a b c Including unassigned code points: non-character, reserved
  5. ^ a b c The script has one or multiple characters in the block, as defined by the Script Property. This is independent of the block name
  6. ^ a b c "Common" (Zyyy) and "Inherited" (Qaai or Zinh) refer to Scripts in ISO 15924


Each assigned character can have a single value for its "Script" property, signifing to which script it belongs.[13] The value is a four-letter code in the range Aaaa-Zzzz, as available in ISO 15924, which is mapped to a writing system. Apart from when describing the background and usage of a script, Unicode does not use a connection between a script and languages that use that script. So "Hebrew" refers to the Hebrew script, not to the Hebrew language.

The special code Zyyy for "Common" allows a single value for a character that is used in multiple scripts. The code Zinh "Inherited script", used for combining characters and certain other special-purpose code points, indicates that a character "inherits" its script identity from the character with which it is combined. (Unicode formerly used the private code Qaai for this purpose.) The code Zzzz "Unknown" is used for all characters that do not belong to a script (i.e. the default value), such as symbols and formatting characters. Overall, characters of a single script can be scattered over multiple blocks, like Latin characters. And the other way around too: multiple scripts can be present is a single block, even when the block name suggests different: e.g. block Letterlike Symbols contains characters from the Latin, Greek and Common scripts.

When the Script is "" (blank), according to Unicode the character does not belong to a script. This pertains to symbols, because the existing ISO script codes "Zmth" (Mathematical notation) and "Zsym" (Symbol) are not used in Unicode. The "Script" property is also blank for code points that are not a typographic character like controls, substitutes, and private use code points.

If there is a specific script alias name in ISO 15924, is used in the character name: U+0041 A latin capital letter a, and U+05D0 א hebrew letter alef.

ISO 15924 script codes[a][b] and Unicode[c][d]v · script in Unicode[e]
Code Nr Name Direc­tion Alias[f] Ver­sion Char­acters Remark
Afak 439 Afaka Not in Unicode
Arab 160 Arabic R-to-L Arabic 1.0 1,051
Armi 124 Imperial Aramaic R-to-L Imperial Aramaic 5.2 31 Ancient/historic
Armn 230 Armenian L-to-R Armenian 1.0 90
Avst 134 Avestan R-to-L Avestan 5.2 61 Ancient/historic
Bali 360 Balinese L-to-R Balinese 5.0 121
Bamu 435 Bamum L-to-R Bamum 5.2 657
Bass 259 Bassa Vah  ? (36) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Batk 365 Batak L-to-R Batak 6.0 56
Beng 325 Bengali L-to-R Bengali 1.0 92
Blis 550 Blissymbols Not in Unicode
Bopo 285 Bopomofo L-to-R Bopomofo 1.0 70
Brah 300 Brahmi L-to-R Brahmi 6.0 108 Ancient/historic
Brai 570 Braille L-to-R Braille 3.0 256
Bugi 367 Buginese L-to-R Buginese 4.1 30
Buhd 372 Buhid L-to-R Buhid 3.2 20
Cakm 349 Chakma 6.1? 67? Included in beta release of Unicode 6.1.0[h]
Cans 440 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics L-to-R Canadian Aboriginal 3.0 710
Cari 201 Carian L-to-R Carian 5.1 49 Ancient/historic
Cham 358 Cham L-to-R Cham 5.1 83
Cher 445 Cherokee L-to-R Cherokee 3.0 85
Cirt 291 Cirth Not in Unicode
Copt 204 Coptic L-to-R Coptic 1.0 135 (disunified from Greek in 4.1) Ancient/historic
Cprt 403 Cypriot R-to-L Cypriot 4.0 55 Ancient/historic
Cyrl 220 Cyrillic L-to-R Cyrillic 1.0 408
Cyrs 221 Cyrillic (Old Church Slavonic variant) Not in Unicode
Deva 315 Devanagari (Nagari) L-to-R Devanagari 1.0 150
Dsrt 250 Deseret (Mormon) L-to-R Deseret 3.1 80
Dupl 755 Duployan shorthand, Duployan stenography  ? (143) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Egyd 070 Egyptian demotic Not in Unicode
Egyh 060 Egyptian hieratic Not in Unicode
Egyp 050 Egyptian hieroglyphs L-to-R Egyptian Hieroglyphs 5.2 1,071 Ancient/historic
Elba 226 Elbasan  ? (40) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Ethi 430 Ethiopic (Geʻez) L-to-R Ethiopic 3.0 495
Geok 241 Khutsuri (Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri) Not in Unicode
Geor 240 Georgian (Mkhedruli) L-to-R Georgian 1.0 120
Glag 225 Glagolitic L-to-R Glagolitic 4.1 94 Ancient/historic
Goth 206 Gothic L-to-R Gothic 3.1 27 Ancient/historic
Gran 343 Grantha Not in Unicode
Grek 200 Greek L-to-R Greek 1.0 511
Gujr 320 Gujarati L-to-R Gujarati 1.0 83
Guru 310 Gurmukhi L-to-R Gurmukhi 1.0 79
Hang 286 Hangul (Hangŭl, Hangeul) L-to-R Hangul 1.0 11,739 Hangul syllables relocated in 2.0
Hani 500 Han (Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja) L-to-R Han 1.0 75,960
Hano 371 Hanunoo (Hanunóo) L-to-R Hanunoo 3.2 21
Hans 501 Han (Simplified variant) Subset Hani
Hant 502 Han (Traditional variant) Subset Hani
Hebr 125 Hebrew R-to-L Hebrew 1.0 133
Hira 410 Hiragana L-to-R Hiragana 1.0 91
Hmng 450 Pahawh Hmong Not in Unicode
Hrkt 412 Japanese syllabaries (alias for Hiragana + Katakana) Katakana or Hiragana See Hira, Kana
Hung 176 Old Hungarian  ? (109) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Inds 610 Indus (Harappan) Not in Unicode
Ital 210 Old Italic (Etruscan, Oscan, etc.) L-to-R Old Italic 3.1 35 Ancient/historic
Java 361 Javanese L-to-R Javanese 5.2 91
Jpan 413 Japanese (alias for Han + Hiragana + Katakana) See Hani, Hira and Kana
Jurc 510 Jurchen Not in Unicode
Kali 357 Kayah Li L-to-R Kayah Li 5.1 48
Kana 411 Katakana L-to-R Katakana 1.0 300
Khar 305 Kharoshthi R-to-L Kharoshthi 4.1 65 Ancient/historic
Khmr 355 Khmer L-to-R Khmer 3.0 146
Khoj 322 Khojki Not in Unicode
Knda 345 Kannada L-to-R Kannada 1.0 86
Kore 287 Korean (alias for Hangul + Han) See Hani and Hang
Kpel 436 Kpelle Not in Unicode
Kthi 317 Kaithi L-to-R Kaithi 5.2 66 Ancient/historic
Lana 351 Tai Tham (Lanna) L-to-R Tai Tham 5.2 127
Laoo 356 Lao L-to-R Lao 1.0 65
Latf 217 Latin (Fraktur variant) L-to-R typographic variant of Latin
Latg 216 Latin (Gaelic variant) L-to-R typographic variant of Latin
Latn 215 Latin L-to-R Latin 1.0 1,267
Lepc 335 Lepcha (Róng) L-to-R Lepcha 5.1 74
Limb 336 Limbu L-to-R Limbu 4.0 66
Lina 400 Linear A  ? (341) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Linb 401 Linear B L-to-R Linear B 4.0 211 Ancient/historic
Lisu 399 Lisu (Fraser) L-to-R Lisu 5.2 48
Loma 437 Loma Not in Unicode
Lyci 202 Lycian L-to-R Lycian 5.1 29 Ancient/historic
Lydi 116 Lydian R-to-L Lydian 5.1 27 Ancient/historic
Mand 140 Mandaic, Mandaean R-to-L Mandaic 6.0 29
Mani 139 Manichaean  ? (51) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Maya 090 Mayan hieroglyphs Not in Unicode
Mend 438 Mende Not in Unicode
Merc 101 Meroitic Cursive 6.1? 26? Included in beta release of Unicode 6.1.0[h]
Mero 100 Meroitic Hieroglyphs 6.1? 32? Included in beta release of Unicode 6.1.0[h]
Mlym 347 Malayalam L-to-R Malayalam 1.0 98
Mong 145 Mongolian L-to-R Mongolian 3.0 153 Includes Clear, Manchu scripts
Moon 218 Moon (Moon code, Moon script, Moon type) Not in Unicode
Mroo 199 Mro, Mru  ? (43) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Mtei 337 Meitei Mayek (Meithei, Meetei) L-to-R Meetei Mayek 5.2 56
Mymr 350 Myanmar (Burmese) L-to-R Myanmar 3.0 188
Narb 106 Old North Arabian (Ancient North Arabian)  ? (32) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Nbat 159 Nabataean  ? (40) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Nkgb 420 Nakhi Geba ('Na-'Khi ²Ggŏ-¹baw, Naxi Geba) Not in Unicode
Nkoo 165 N’Ko R-to-L N'Ko 5.0 59
Nshu 499 Nüshu  ? (389) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Ogam 212 Ogham L-to-R Ogham 3.0 29 Ancient/historic
Olck 261 Ol Chiki (Ol Cemet’, Ol, Santali) L-to-R Ol Chiki 5.1 48
Orkh 175 Old Turkic, Orkhon Runic R-to-L Old Turkic 5.2 73 Ancient/historic
Orya 327 Oriya L-to-R Oriya 1.0 90
Osma 260 Osmanya L-to-R Osmanya 4.0 40
Palm 126 Palmyrene  ? (32) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Perm 227 Old Permic Not in Unicode
Phag 331 Phags-pa L-to-R Phags-pa 5.0 56 Ancient/historic
Phli 131 Inscriptional Pahlavi Inscriptional_Pahlavi 5.2 27 Ancient/historic
Phlp 132 Psalter Pahlavi Not in Unicode
Phlv 133 Book Pahlavi Not in Unicode
Phnx 115 Phoenician R-to-L Phoenician 5.0 29 Ancient/historic
Plrd 282 Miao (Pollard) 6.1? 133? Included in beta release of Unicode 6.1.0[h]
Prti 130 Inscriptional Parthian R-to-L Inscriptional Parthian 5.2 30 Ancient/historic
Qaaa 900 Reserved for private use (start) Not in Unicode
Qaai 908 (Private use) Inherited 523 In versions prior to 5.2 (from 5.2: 'Zinh')
Qabx 949 Reserved for private use (end) Not in Unicode
Rjng 363 Rejang (Redjang, Kaganga) L-to-R Rejang 5.1 37
Roro 620 Rongorongo Not in Unicode
Runr 211 Runic L-to-R Runic 3.0 78 Ancient/historic
Samr 123 Samaritan R-to-L Samaritan 5.2 61
Sara 292 Sarati Not in Unicode
Sarb 105 Old South Arabian R-to-L Old South Arabian 5.2 32 Ancient/historic
Saur 344 Saurashtra L-to-R Saurashtra 5.1 81
Sgnw 095 SignWriting Not in Unicode
Shaw 281 Shavian (Shaw) L-to-R Shavian 4.0 48
Shrd 319 Sharada, Śāradā 6.1? 83? Included in beta release of Unicode 6.1.0[h]
Sind 318 Khudawadi, Sindhi Not in Unicode
Sinh 348 Sinhala L-to-R Sinhala 3.0 80
Sora 398 Sora Sompeng 6.1? 35? Included in beta release of Unicode 6.1.0[h]
Sund 362 Sundanese L-to-R Sundanese 5.1 55
Sylo 316 Syloti Nagri L-to-R Syloti Nagri 4.1 44
Syrc 135 Syriac R-to-L Syriac 3.0 77
Syre 138 Syriac (Estrangelo variant) Not in Unicode
Syrj 137 Syriac (Western variant) Not in Unicode
Syrn 136 Syriac (Eastern variant) Not in Unicode
Tagb 373 Tagbanwa L-to-R Tagbanwa 3.2 18
Takr 321 Takri, Ṭākrī, Ṭāṅkrī 6.1? 66? Included in beta release of Unicode 6.1.0[h]
Tale 353 Tai Le L-to-R Tai Le 4.0 35
Talu 354 New Tai Lue L-to-R New Tai Lue 4.1 83
Taml 346 Tamil L-to-R Tamil 1.0 72
Tang 520 Tangut  ? (5,910) Provisionally accepted for Unicode[g]
Tavt 359 Tai Viet L-to-R Tai Viet 5.2 72
Telu 340 Telugu L-to-R Telugu 1.0 93
Teng 290 Tengwar Not in Unicode
Tfng 120 Tifinagh (Berber) L-to-R Tifinagh 4.1 57
Tglg 370 Tagalog (Baybayin, Alibata) L-to-R Tagalog 3.2 20
Thaa 170 Thaana R-to-L Thaana 3.0 50
Thai 352 Thai L-to-R Thai 1.0 86
Tibt 330 Tibetan L-to-R Tibetan 1.0 207 (removed in 1.1 and reintroduced in 2.0)
Tirh 326 Tiruta Not in Unicode
Ugar 040 Ugaritic L-to-R Ugaritic 4.0 31 Ancient/historic
Vaii 470 Vai L-to-R Vai 5.1 300
Visp 280 Visible Speech Not in Unicode
Wara 262 Warang Citi (Varang Kshiti) Not in Unicode
Wole 480 Woleai Not in Unicode
Xpeo 030 Old Persian L-to-R Old Persian 4.1 50 Ancient/historic
Xsux 020 Cuneiform, Sumero-Akkadian L-to-R Cuneiform 5.0 982 Ancient/historic
Yiii 460 Yi L-to-R Yi 3.0 1,220
Zinh 994 Code for inherited script Inherited In version 5.2 (prior versions: 'Qaai')
Zmth 995 Mathematical notation Not a 'script' in Unicode
Zsym 996 Symbols Not a 'script' in Unicode
Zxxx 997 Code for unwritten documents Not in Unicode
Zyyy 998 Code for undetermined script Common 6,379
Zzzz 999 Code for uncoded script Unknown all other code points
  1. ^ ISO 15924 publications (at Unicode.org site) As of 21 June 2011 (2011 -06-21)
  2. ^ ISO 15924 Normative text file (Alias names are informal)
  3. ^ ISO 15924 Changes (including Aliases for Unicode)
  4. ^ As of Unicode version 6.0
  5. ^ Unicode charts
  6. ^ Unicode uses the Alias (Property Value Alias) as the script-name. These Alias names are part of Unicode and are published informatively next to ISO 15924
  7. [2]
  8. [3]

Normalization properties

(decompositions, decomposition type, canonical combining class, composition exclusions, and so On)


"Age" is the version of the Standard in which the code point was first designated. The version number is shortened to the numbering major.minor, although there more detailed version numbers are used: versions 4.0.0 and 4.0.1 both are named 4.0 as Age. Given the releases, Age can be from the range: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and 6.0.[14][15]


(grapheme cluster, word, line, and sentence)


  1. ^ a b c Unicode 6.0 chapter 4
  2. ^ a b UAX 9, Standard Annex "Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm"
  3. ^ [1] Unicode Standard Annex #24: Unicode Script Property
  4. ^ Pre version 4
  5. ^ Versions 4.0 and later

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