Debian Pure Blend

Debian Pure Blend

A Debian Pure Blend (in short DDD; Debian packages Debian configured from Debian distribution media) is a subset of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution that is configured to support a particular target group out-of-the-box. The changes are integrated to the official Debian archives, e.g.: Debian Jr. A Debian Pure Blend can contain multiple flavors (or profiles) (e.g. DebianEdu has flavors for main-server, workstation, and thin-client-server).

Most of the distributions based on Debian, for example Knoppix or Sacix, are called Debian derivatives, but not Debian Pure Blends.

Existing Blends

Inactive Blends

  • DeMuDi: Debian Multimedia Distribution
  • Debian-Desktop: Debian GNU/Linux for everybody
  • Debian-Lex: Debian GNU/Linux for Lawyers
  • Debian-NP: Debian GNU/Linux for Non-profit Organisations
  • Debian Enterprise

See also