

Anatom (more commonly spelled Aneityum, and sometimes also Kéamu) is the southernmost inhabited island of Vanuatu. It is in the province of Tafea. The largest village is Anelghowhat (correctly, Anelcauhat).

There is an airport, not on the main island itself, but on the tiny island to its south, Inyeug (correctly, Iñec), which has twice-weekly flights from Port Vila and Tanna.

Anatom has a current estimated population of 550. It is believed to have had a population of possibly as large as 12,000 prior to the arrival of the Europeans in 1793. Introduced diseases and blackbirding are believed to have been the major factors in the depopulation. The island is surrounded by coral reefs and beaches. The main language of Anatom is called Aneityumese or Anejom. It is considered to constitute its own branch of the South Vanuatu languages.

External links

* [ Aneityum language bibliography]
* [ Vanuatu tourism page]

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