DICT is a dictionary network protocol created by the DICT Development Group.[1] It is described by RFC 2229. Its goal is to surpass the Webster protocol and to allow clients to access more dictionaries during use. Dict servers and clients use TCP port 2628.


Resources for free dictionaries from DICT protocol servers

  • A repository of source files for the DICT Development group's dict protocol server (with a few sample dictionaries) is available at ftp://ftp.dict.org/dict/[2]

Dictionaries of English

Combined, they make up the Free Internet Lexicon and Encyclopedia.[5]

Bilingual dictionaries

  • Big English–Russian Dictionary
  • English–French dictionary
  • Freedict currently provides a collection of roughly 70 translating dictionaries, as xml source files with the data, mostly accompanied by databases generated from the xml files in the format used by DICT servers and clients. These are available from the Freedict project section at SourceForge.[6]
  • FREELANG Dictionary
  • Lingvo English–Russian and Russian–English dictionaries are not free, but when purchased, can easily be converted into DICT format
  • Mueller's English–Russian dictionary
  • Slovak-English legal dictionary available from[7]

DICT servers

  • dictd (the standard server made by the DICT Development Group)
  • DictD++[8] – modern powerful server written in C++ with heavy usage of STL and boost
  • GNU Dico[9]
  • JDictd[10] – a Java-based DICT server implementation (abandoned)

DICT file format

The standard dictd server made by the DICT Development Group uses a special DICT file format, although other dictd servers (such as GNU Dico) may optionally use other file formats.

Dictionaries in the standard DICT file format are made up of two files, a .index file and a .dict file (or .dict.dz if compressed). These files are not usually written manually but are compiled by a program called dictfmt. For example, the Unix command:

dictfmt --utf8 --allchars -s "My Dictionary" -j mydict < mydict.txt

will compile a Unicode-compatible DICT file called mydict, with heading My Dictionary, from mydict.txt which is in Jargon File format i.e.:

:word1:definition 1
:word2:definition 2

Once the dictionary file has been produced, installing it in the server is normally a matter of typing something like:

mv mydict.dict mydict.index /usr/share/dictd/
/usr/sbin/dictdconfig --write
/etc/init.d/dictd restart

DICT clients

A dictd server can be used from Telnet. For example, to connect to the DICT server on localhost, on a Unix system one can normally type:

telnet localhost dict

and then enter the command "help" to see the available commands. The standard dictd package also provides a "dict" command for command-line use.

More sophisticated DICT clients include:

There are also programs that read the DICT file format directly. For example, S60Dict,[19] is a dictionary program for Symbian Series 60 that uses DICT dictionaries. Additionally, some DICT clients, such as Fantasdic, are also capable of reading the DICT format directly.

DICT converters

  • Linguae Software[20] is able to convert from/to wb, dict (stardict and dictd) csv, xdxf, txt, ini and ling (native) file formats, Linux, Windows and Mac OSX.
  • XDXF[21] XML Dictionary Exchange Format converts between various dictionary formats using pluggable codec architecture.


In order to efficiently store dictionary data, dictzip, an extension to the gzip compression format (also the name of the utility) can be used to compress a .dict file. Dictzip compresses file in chunks and stores the chunk index in the gzip file header, thus allowing random access to the data.

See also

  • DICT clients


  1. ^ dict.org
  2. ^ dict.org: Resources
  3. ^ census.gov
  4. ^ delorie.com
  5. ^ dict.org
  6. ^ sourceforge.net
  7. ^ mediator-mrg.com
  8. ^ ndl.kie.ua
  9. ^ gnu.org
  10. ^ informatik.uni-leipzig.de
  11. ^ sourceforge.net
  12. ^ sourceforge.net
  13. ^ garage.maemo.org
  14. ^ mozdev.org
  15. ^ kilargo.com
  16. ^ pentila.com
  17. ^ zope.org
  18. ^ pentila.com
  19. ^ users.forthnet.gr
  20. ^ linguae.stalikez.info/
  21. ^ sourceforge.net

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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