

Anno may refer to:


*Anno II, Archbishop of Cologne (c.1010-1075), Archbishop of Cologne from 1056-1075
*Anno, a Japanese surname
** Mitsumasa Anno (born 1926), Japanese writer and artist
**Hideaki Anno (born 1960), Japanese animation and video director
**Moyoco Anno (born 1971), josei mangaka and wife of Hideaki Anno.
**Noriko Anno (born 1976), Japanese women's gold medal-winning judoist.
*Anno Birkin (1980-2001), English poet and musician.


*", a game for the Nintendo DS.
*Anno...., several strategy games developed by Germany-based Sunflowers Interactive Entertainment Software company.
**Anno 1503 (known in the Americas as 1503 AD), a real-time strategy game
**Anno 1602 - Creation of a New World (in the USA and Australia released as 1602 A.D.), a real time strategy game
**Anno 1701 also marketed as 1701 A.D., a real-time strategy game
**Anno 1404
*Anno Dracula series, fantasy novels by Kim Newman
*Klossi Anno, a character from the fictional Star Wars universe
*"Anno's Journey", a series of children's books by Mitsumasa Anno


*Anno, a form of the Latin noun annum.
**Anno Hegirae (in the year of the Hijra), abbreviated as AH or H, refers to Islamic years which are also called Hijra years because the Hijra occurred in AH 1.
**Anno Domini "In the year of (Our) Lord", abbreviated as AD, defines an epoch based on the traditionally-reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth
**Anno Mundi (AM, "in the year of the world"), refers to a Calendar era counting from the creation of the world
*Quadragesimo Anno, an encyclical by Pope Pius XI, issued 15 May 1931

ee also

*Paul Di'Anno (born 1958, as Paul Andrews), first prominent vocalist in the band Iron Maiden

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