List of fish of Great Britain

List of fish of Great Britain

This is a list of fresh water (lakes, rivers, streams and man-made pools) and salt water fish found in and in the waters surrounding Great Britain.

The list includes species native to Great Britain and those introduced from other countries.

Jawless fish


*Brook lamprey " _la. Lampetra planeri"
*River lamprey " _la. Lampetra fluviatilis"
*Sea lamprey " _la. Petromyzon marinus"

Cartilaginous fish

Sharks and dogfish

*Basking Shark " _la. Cetorhinus maximus"
*Blue Shark " _la. Prionace glauca"
*Smooth Hammerhead " _la. Sphyrna zygaena"
*Nursehound " _la. Scyliorhinus stellaris"
*Lesser spotted Dogfish " _la. Scyliorhinus canicula"
*Shortfin Mako Shark " _la. Isurus oxyrinchus"
*Spiny Dogfish " _la. Squalus acanthias"
*Porbeagle " _la. Lamna nasus"
*Thresher Shark " _la. Alopias vulpinus"
*Tope " _la. Galeorhinus galeus"

=Skates and rays=

*Angel shark " _la. Squatina squatina"
*Blonde ray " _la. Raja brachyura"
*Common skate " _la. Raja batis"
*Common stingray " _la. Dasyatis pastinaca"
*Cuckoo ray " _la. Raja naevus"
*Dark electric ray " _la. Torpedo nobiliana"
*Painted ray " _la. Raja undulata"
*Shagreen ray " _la. Raja fullonica"
*Spotted ray " _la. Raja montagui"
*Thornback ray " _la. Raja clavata"

Bony fish



*Conger eel " _la. Conger conger"
*European eel " _la. Anguilla anguilla"
*Moray eel " _la. Muraena helena"


*Allis shad " _la. Alosa alosa"
*Atlantic herring " _la. Clupea harengus"
*Pilchard " _la. Sardina pilchardus"
*Sprat " _la. Clupea sprattus"
*Twait shad " _la. Alosa fallax"


*Barbel " _la. Barbus barbus"
*Bitterling " _la. Rhodeus sericeus" (introduced)
*Bleak " _la. Alburnus alburnus"
*Bronze Bream " _la. Abramis brama"
*Grass Carp " _la. Ctenopharygodon idella" (introduced)
*Chub " _la. Leuciscus cephalus"
*Common Carp " _la. Cyprinus carpio" (introduced)
*Common Dace " _la. Leuciscus leuciscus"
*Crucian Carp " _la. Carassius carassius"
*Goldfish " _la. Carassius auratus" (introduced)
*Eurasian Minnow " _la. Phoxinus phoxinus"
*Gudgeon " _la. Gobio gobio"
*Orfe " _la. Leuciscus idus" (introduced)
*Roach " _la. Rutilus rutilus"
*Rudd " _la. Scardinius erythrophthalmus"
*Silver Bream " _la. Blicca bjoerkna"
*Spined loach " _la. Cobitis taenia"
*Stone Loach " _la. Nemacheilus barbatulus"
*Tench " _la. Tinca tinca"


*Wels Catfish " _la. Silurus glanis" (introduced)


*Northern pike " _la. Esox lucius"


*European smelt " _la. Osmerus eperlanus"

Salmon and trout

*Arctic charr " _la. Salvelinus alpinus"
*Atlantic salmon " _la. Salmo salar"
*Brook trout " _la. Salvelinus fontinalis" (introduced)
*Brown trout " _la. Salmo trutta"
*Grayling " _la. Thymallus thymallus"
*Rainbow trout " _la. Oncorhynchus mykiss" (introduced)
*Houting " _la. Coregonus oxyrinchus" (extinct in Britain)
*Pollan " _la. Coregonus autumnalis"
*Powan " _la. Coregonus lavaretus"
*Vendace " _la. Coregonus albula"


*lanternfish " _la. Myctophum punctatum"


*Burbot " _la. Lota lota"
*Cod " _la. Gadus morhua"
*cusk " _la. Brosme brosme"
*European hake " _la. Merluccius merluccius"
*Haddock " _la. Malanogrammus aeglefinus"
*Hake " _la. Merluccius merluccius"
*Common Ling " _la. Molva molva"
*Pollock " _la. Pollachius pollachus"
*Fivebeard rockling " _la. Ciliata mustela"
*Three-bearded rockling " _la. Gaidropsarus vulgaris"
*Saithe " _la. Pollachius virens"
*Whiting " _la. Marlangius merlangus"
*Blue whiting " _la. micromesistius poutassou"


*Monkfish " _la. Lophius piscatorius"

=Sand smelts=

*Sand smelt " _la. Atherina presbyter"


*Boarfish " _la. Capros oper"
*John Dory " _la. Zeus faber"

=Sticklebacks and seahorses=

*Greater pipefish " _la. Syngathus acus"
*Common seahorse " _la. Hippocampus ramulosus"
*Three-spined stickleback " _la. Gasterosteus aculeatus aculeatus"
*Nine-spined stickleback " _la. Pungitius pungitius"
*Fifteen-spined stickleback " _la. Spinachia spinachia"


*European Bullhead " _la. Cottus gobio"
*Norway Bullhead " _la. Taurulus lilljeborgi"
*Father Lasher " _la. Myoxocephalus scorpius"
*Grey gurnard " _la. Eutriglia gurnardus"
*Red gurnard " _la. Aspitriglia cuculus"
*Tub gurnard " _la. Trigla lucerna"
*Lumpsucker " _la. Cyclopterus lumpus"
*Long-spined Sea Scorpion " _la. Taurulus bubalis"
*Snailfish " _la. Liparis liparis"

=Perchlike fishes=


*Sea Bass " _la. Dicentrarchus labrax"
*Largemouth bass " _la. Micropterus salmoides" (introduced)
*Gilt-head bream " _la. Sparus aurata"
*Black sea bream " _la. Spondyliosoma cantharus"
*Red sea bream " _la. Pagellus bogaraveo"
*Ray's bream " _la. Brama brama"
*Meagre " _la. Argyrosomus regius"
*European perch " _la. Perca fluviatilis"
*Pumpkinseed " _la. Lepomis gibbosus" (introduced)
*Ruffe " _la. Gymnocephalus cernua"
*Zander " _la. Stizostedion lucioperca" (introduced)


*Ballan wrasse " _la. Labrus bergylta"
*Corkwing wrasse " _la. Symphodus melops"
*Cuckoo wrasse " _la. Labrus mixtus"
*Goldsinny wrasse " _la. Centrolabrus rupestris"
*Rock Cook " _la. Centrolabus exoletus"


*Butterfish " _la. Pholis gunnellus"
*Atlantic wolffish " _la. Anarhichas lupus"

=Sand eels and weevers=

*Greater sand eel " _la. Hyperoplus lanceolatus"
*Sand lance " _la. Gymnammodytes cicerellus"
*Lesser weever Echiichthys vipera
*Greater weever " _la. Trachinus draco"
*Stargazer " _la. Astroscopus guttatus"


*Butterfly Blenny " _la. Blennius ocellaris"
*Tompot Blenny "Parablennius gattorugine"
*Shanny " _la. Lipophrys pholis"


*Shore clingfish " _la. Lepadogaster lepadogaster"


*Dragonet " _la. Callionymus lyra"


*Common goby " _la. Pomatoschistus microps"
*Giant goby " _la. Gobius cobitis"
*Painted goby " _la. Potamoschistus pictus"
*Rock goby " _la. Gobius paganellus"
*Sand goby " _la. Potamoschistus minutus"
*Spotted goby " _la. Gobiusculus flavescens"

=Mackerel and tuna=

*Atlantic mackerel " _la. Scomber scombrus"
*Northern Bluefin Tuna " _la. Thunnus thynnus" (extinct in British waters)


*Golden grey mullet " _la. Liza aurata"
*Thicklip grey mullet " _la. Chelon labrosus"
*Thin-lipped grey mullet " _la. Liza ramada"
*Red mullet " _la. Mullus surmuletus"
*Striped mullet " _la. Mullus barbatus"


*Brill " _la. Scophthalmus rhombus"
*Common dab " _la. Limanda limanda"
*European flounder " _la. Platichthys flesus"
*Atlantic halibut " _la. Hippoglossus hippoglossus"
*Megrim " _la. Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis"
*European plaice " _la. Pleuronectes platessa"
*Dover sole " _la. Solea solea"
*Lemon sole " _la. Microstomus kitt"
*Torbay sole " _la. Glyprocephalus cynoglossus"
*European turbot " _la. Psetta maxima"

=Ocean Sunfish=

*Ocean Sunfish "Mola Mola" occasional visitor


*"Fauna Britannica", Stefan Buczacki
* [ FishBase]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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