Conjugation of regular Catalan verbs

Conjugation of regular Catalan verbs

Conjugation of regular Catalan verbs.

This is a supplement to the main article on Catalan grammar.

cant-ar (1) perd-re, tém-er sent-ir, acolor-ir
cant-ant perd-ent, tem-ent sent-int, acolor-int
cant-at perd-ut, tem-ut sent-it, acolor-it
Present - Present
jo cant-o perd-o, tem-o sent-o, acolor-eix-o (3)
tu cant-es perd-s, tem-s sent-s, acolor-eix-es
ell/ella/vostè cant-a perd, tem sent, acolor-eix
nosaltres cant-em perd-em, tem-em sent-im, acolor-im
vosaltres cant-eu perd-eu, tem-eu sent-iu, acolor-iu
ells/elles/vostès cant-en perd-en, tem-en sent-en, acolor-eix-en
Imperfect - Imperfet
jo cant-av-a perd-i-a, tem-i-a sent-i-a, acolor-i-a
tu cant-av-es perd-i-es, tem-i-es sent-i-es, acolor-i-es
ell/ella/vostè cant-av-a perd-i-a, tem-i-a sent-i-a, acolor-i-a
nosaltres cant-àv-em perd-í-em, tem-í-em sent-í-em, acolor-í-em
vosaltres cant-àv-eu perd-í-eu, tem-í-eu sent-í-eu, acolor-í-eu
ells/elles/vostès cant-av-en perd-i-en, tem-i-en sent-i-en, acolor-i-en
Past - Passat (4)
jo cant-í perd-í, tem-í sent-í, acolor-í
tu cant-a-res perd-e-res, tem-e-res sent-i-res, acolor-i-res
ell/ella/vostè cant-à perd-é, tem-é sent-í, acolor-í
nosaltres cant-à-rem perd-é-rem, tem-é-rem sent-í-rem, acolor-í-rem
vosaltres cant-à-reu perd-é-reu, tem-é-reu sent-í-reu, acolor-í-reu
ells/elles/vostès cant-a-ren perd-e-ren, tem-e-ren sent-i-ren, acolor-i-ren
Future - Futur
jo cant-ar-é perd-r-é (5), tem-er-é sent-ir-é, acolor-ir-é
tu cant-ar-às perd-r-às, tem-er-às sent-ir-às, acolor-ir-às
ell/ella/vostè cant-ar-à perd-r-à, tem-er-à sent-ir-à, acolor-ir-à
nosaltres cant-ar-em perd-r-em, tem-er-em sent-ir-em, acolor-ir-em
vosaltres cant-ar-eu perd-r-eu, tem-er-eu sent-ir-eu, acolor-ir-eu
ells/elles/vostès cant-ar-an perd-r-an, tem-er-an sent-ir-an, acolor-ir-an
jo cant-ar-ia perd-r-ia (5), tem-er-ia sent-ir-ia, acolor-ir-ia
tu cant-ar-ies perd-r-ies, tem-er-ies sent-ir-ies, acolor-ir-ies
ell/ella/vostè cant-ar-ia perd-r-ia, tem-er-ia sent-ir-ia, acolor-ir-ia
nosaltres cant-ar-íem perd-r-íem, tem-er-íem sent-ir-íem, acolor-ir-íem
vosaltres cant-ar-íeu perd-r-íeu, tem-er-íeu sent-ir-íeu, acolor-ir-íeu
ells/elles/vostès cant-ar-ien perd-r-ien, tem-er-ien sent-ir-ien, acolor-ir-ien
Present - Present
jo cant-i perd-i, tem-i sent-i, acolor-eix-i (3)
tu cant-is perd-is, tem-is sent-is, acolor-eix-is
ell/ella/vostè cant-i perd-i, tem-i sent-i, acolor-eix-i
nosaltres cant-em perd-em, tem-em sent-im, acolor-im
vosaltres cant-eu perd-eu, tem-eu sent-iu, acolor-iu
ells/elles/vostès cant-in perd-in, tem-in sent-in, acolor-eix-in
Imperfect - Imperfet
jo cant-és perd-és, tem-és sent-ís, acolor-ís
tu cant-ess-is perd-ess-is, tem-ess-is sent-iss-is, acolor-iss-is
ell/ella/vostè cant-és perd-és, tem-és sent-ís, acolor-ís
nosaltres cant-éss-im perd-éss-im, tem-éss-im sent-íss-im, acolor-íss-im
vosaltres cant-éss-iu perd-éss-iu, tem-éss-iu sent-íss-iu, acolor-íss-iu
ells/elles/vostès cant-ess-in perd-ess-in, tem-ess-in sent-iss-in, acolor-iss-in
tu cant-a perd, tem sent, acolor-eix (3)
vostè cant-i perd-i, tem-i sent-i, acolor-eix-i
nosaltres cant-em perd-em, tem-em sent-im, acolor-im
vosaltres cant-eu perd-eu, tem-eu sent-iu, acolor-iu
vostès cant-in perd-in, tem-in sent-in, acolor-eix-in
haver cantat haver perdut,
haver temut
haver sentit,
haver acolorit
havent cantat havent perdut,
havent temut
havent sentit,
havent acolorit
Perfect - Perfet
jo he cantat he perdut,
he temut
he sentit,
he acolorit
... ... ... ...
Pluperfect - Plusquamperfet
jo havia cantat havia perdut,
havia temut
havia sentit,
havia acolorit
... ... ... ...
Past Anterior - Passat Anterior (4)
jo haguí cantat haguí perdut,
haguí temut
haguí sentit,
haguí acolorit
... ... ... ...
Periphrastic Past - Passat Perifràstic (4)
jo vaig cantar vaig perdre,
vaig témer
vaig sentir,
vaig acolorir
tu vas cantar vas perdre,
vas témer
vas sentir,
vas acolorir
ell/ella/vostè va cantar va perdre,
va témer
va sentir,
va acolorir
nosaltres vam cantar vam perdre,
vam témer
vam sentir,
vam acolorir
vosaltres vau cantar vau perdre,
vau témer
vau sentir,
vau acolorir
ells/elles/vostès van cantar van perdre,
van témer
van sentir,
van acolorir
Periphrastic Past Anterior - Passat Anterior Perifràstic (4)
jo vaig haver cantat vaig haver perdut,
vaig haver temut
vaig haver sentir,
vaig haver acolorit
... ... ... ...
Future Perfect - Futur Perfet
jo hauré cantat hauré perdut,
hauré temut
hauré sentit,
hauré acolorit
... ... ... ...
Conditional Perfect - Condicional Perfet
jo hauria cantat hauria perdut,
hauria temut
hauria sentit,
hauria acolorit
... ... ... ...
Periphrastic Past - Passat Perifràstic (4)
jo vagi cantar vagi perdre,
vagi témer
vagi sentir,
vagi acolorir
tu vagis cantar vagis perdre,
vagis témer
vagis sentir,
vagis acolorir
ell/ella/vostè vagi cantar vagi perdre,
vagi témer
vagi sentir,
vagi acolorir
nosaltres vàgim cantar vàgim perdre,
vàgim témer
vàgim sentir,
vàgim acolorir
vosaltres vàgiu cantar vàgiu perdre,
vàgiu témer
vàgiu sentir, vàgiu acolorir
ells/elles/vostès vagin cantar vagin perdre,
vagin témer
vagin sentir,
vagin acolorir
Perfect - Perfect
jo hagi cantat hagi perdut,
hagi temut
hagi sentit,
hagi acolorit
... ... ... ...
Pluperfect - Plusquamperfet
jo hagués cantat hagués perdut,
hagués temut
hagués sentit,
hagués acolorit
... ... ... ...
Periphrastic Past Anterior - Passat Anterior Perifràstic (4)
jo vagi haver cantat vagi haver perdut,
vagi haver temut
vagi haver sentit,
vagi haver acolorit
... ... ... ...
  • (1) Division with a hyphen in each of the forms indicates the root or "lexeme", the portion specific to the particular conjugation, and the ending (known in Catalan as the "desinènci", a word most often seen in the plural "desinències").
  • (2) When verbs of the first conjugation have roots that end in c, ç, g, j, gu, or qu before endings that begin with e or i, there is an orthographic alteration to qu, c, gu, g, , and , respectively. For example:
    • "tancar" ==> "tanques"
    • "caçar" ==> "caces"
    • "furgar" ==> "furgues"
    • "rajar" ==> "rages"
    • "obliquar" ==> "obliqües"
  • (3) The infix -eix- is found in the majority of third-conjugation verbs. Such verbs are known as "verbs incoatius". The third person singular and the third person plural of the present indicative, the subjunctive, and the imperative affix -eix- between the root (lexeme) and the morpheme (or grameme) that constitutes the ending. This pattern is so nearly universal that it is possible to list the exceptions explicitly: "ajupir", "bullir", "collir", "cosir", "cruixir", "dormir", "eixir", "escopir", "esmunyir", "fugir", "grunyir", "morir", "munyir", "obrir", "omplir", "pruir", "pudir", "retrunyir", "sentir", "sortir", "tenir", "tossir", "venir", and verbs that derive from these by adding prefixes, with the "exceptions to the exception" being "assentir" and "dissentir", which have the -eix- infix. "Mentir", "consumir", "resumir", and "brunzir" can be conjugated either way, although the form with the -eix- is considered more correct. "Lluir" is conjugated two ways: without -eix- when it is used in the literal sense of "to emit light", with -eix- when it us used figuratively: "to look good", "to show off", or "to be successful".
  • (4) The past, also known as the preterite, is rarely used in the spoken and written language and the same applies for the past anterior in both indicative and subjunctive moods (because it has the past form of haver in the composite form). In the modern language, the periphrastic past and the periphrastic past anterior replace the past and the past anterior. The main auxiliary verb is anar, but one must pay attention that it is conjugated in a slightly different way than the actual anar (a non-auxiliary verb expressing the meaning to go).
  • (5) Verbs whose infinitives end in re omit the last vowel in the future and the conditional conjugations, immediately before the suffixed desinències.
  • (6) The participle must match the noun in grammatical gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural).
  • (7) The pronouns are omitted in the spoken and written language, except only where to clear up the ambiguity and that is usually when the conjugated verbs look similar (ex.: the conjugated first and third person singulars in the imperfect). The pronouns may also be used to empathize the verbs. In this list, the pronouns only serve as a guide for each grammatical person.

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