

=ACCA as an abbreviation=

ACCA may refer to:

In Accountancy and Finance:

* Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, a British chartered accountancy body with a global presence that offers the Chartered Certified Accountant qualification worldwide.

In Christianity:

* Antiochian Catholic Church in America, one of the Independent Catholic Churches

In Cryptography:
* Adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack

In Education:

* The Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area

In Sports:

* Association of Christian College Athletics, an organization of collegiate athletics

In Law:
* Armed Career Criminal Act

In other fields:
* [ Australian Crohns and Colitis Association] - Chronic Gastrointestinal conditions, Peak body in Australia]

* Air Conditioning Contractors of America, the largest HVAC contractor organization in the USA
* Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, a contemporary art gallery
* Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft, a project of the United States Air Force's Air Force Research Laboratory, to demonstrate new cargo-carrier capabilities. [ [Aerospace Engineering & Manufacturing (monthly publication of SAE International), May 2008, p. 23, "USAF's newest X-plane will be a composite cargo aircraft"] ]

Acca as a name

in Botany:

* "Acca (genus)", or another common name for Feijoa, a plant formerly of that genus

In Geography:

Acca can represent an Arabic spelling of the name of the city of Acre, Israel

People named Acca:

* Acca Larentia, Hercules' mistress in Roman mythology
* any of three bishops of the Anglo-Saxon church:
** Acca of Dunwich (8th century)
** Acca of Hereford (8th century)
** Acca of Hexham (b c. 660 - 740 or 742)
* Acca of CMKX, Moron, chemically dependent misanthropic dead beat father.


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