Engineering technician

Engineering technician

An engineering technician is a person who has relatively practical understanding of the general theoretical principles of the specific branch of engineering in which they work. [ [ US Department of Labor job Description] ]

Engineering technicians solve technical problems. Some help engineers and scientists do research and development. They build or set up equipment. They do experiments. They collect data and calculate results. They might also help to make a model of new equipment. Some technicians work in quality control. They check products, do tests, and collect data. In manufacturing, they help to design and develop products. They also find ways to produce things efficiently. [ [ Engineering Technician ] ] They may also be persons who produce technical drawings or engineering drawings.

Title usage

In the United States, the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) grants 2-year associate program degrees to students that meet a set of specified standards. These programs include at least a college algebra and trigonometry course and, if needed, one or two basic science courses at any accredited school. The number of math and science prerequisite courses depends on the branch of engineering that the student chooses.

In the United Kingdom, the term engineering technician and post-nominals EngTech are protected in civil law, and can only be used by technicians registered with Engineering Council UK.

In Canada, the term certified technician is protected by legislation and can only be used by technicians certified by provincial member organizations of the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists, such as the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists.

Working Conditions in the U.S.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor [ [ Engineering Technicians ] ] an Engineering technician works 40 hours or more a week. They may work in multiple conditions, ranging from air-conditioned well lit areas, to working around hazardous equipment or toxic chemicals.

Average Earnings in the U.S.

The following are average earnings for 2007 in the United States, from the United States Department of Labor:

* Aerospace engineering and operations technicians $53,300
* Electrical and electronic engineering technicians $50,660
* Industrial engineering technicians $45,810
* Mechanical engineering technicians $45,850
* Electro-mechanical technicians $44,720
* Civil engineering technicians $40,560
* Environmental engineering technicians $40,560

Number of jobs held in 2006 in each field of engineering is listed below:
* Electrical and electronic 170,000
* Civil 91,000
* Industrial 75,000
* Mechanical 48,000
* Environmental 21,000
* Electro-mechanical 16,500
* Aerospace 8,500
* Other 82,000

ee also

*Technical engineer

External links

* [ List of tasks and requirements for mechanical engineering technicians]
* [ Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)] UK


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