Catholic Association Pilgrimage

Catholic Association Pilgrimage

The Catholic Association of the UK, abbreviated to the CA, has been around in one form or another since 1881 and ran its first pilgrimage to Lourdes in 1901. Its objects are set out in the Memorandum and Articles but its main purpose is to mastermind the CA Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes, currently incorporating the diocesan pilgrimages of Clifton Diocese, East Anglia Diocese, Northampton Diocese, Portsmouth Diocese, Southwark Archdiocese, and the Stonyhurst College Lourdes Pilgrimage. Each of these groups is overseen by a Diocesan Director. The entire Pilgrimage is coordinated by the Pilgrimage Director (currently Bill Saunders from Southwark Archdiocese) and takes place on the last week of August.

The CA is a registered charity.


The Catholic Association was originally founded in 1891. Its original objects are stated in its Rules as being;

To promote unity and good fellowship among Catholics by organizing lectures, concerts, dances, whist tournaments, excursions, and other gatherings of a social character, and to assist, whenever possible, in the work of Catholic organization, and in the protection and advancement of Catholic interests.

It was particularly successful in the organization of pilgrimages to Rome and other places of Catholic interest.

The charity now organises the pilgrimage to Lourdes.

How the Pilgrimage works

The CA is a 'Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a Share Capital.' It is also a Registered Charity (number 1071120). The Catholic Association is a company and the Directors are registered as such, although the Directors refer to themselves as Trustees.

Catholic Association Trust

The Trustees fulfill the usual role of Trustees, which is to guard the funds.

The Trustees appoint Pilgrimage Officers (the heads of the different service sections including doctors, nurses, handmaids, youth group etc). The Pilgrimage Officers, together with the Diocesan Directors, make up the Pilgrimage Management Committee (PMC). Trustees are permitted to attend meetings of the PMC but, apart from two or three who have specific functions there, it is generally thought that the PMC should be allowed to manage itself. There is some overlap of membership and responsibilities between the Trustees, the PMC, and the Hospitalité Council.

Pilgrimage Management Committee

The Trustees appoint Pilgrimage Officers (the heads of the different service sections including doctors, nurses, handmaids, youth group etc). The Pilgrimage Officers, together with the Diocesan Directors, make up the Pilgrimage Management Committee (PMC). Trustees are permitted to attend meetings of the PMC but, apart from two or three who have specific functions there, it is generally thought that the PMC should be allowed to manage itself. There is some overlap of membership and responsibilities between the Trustees, the PMC, and the Hospitalité Council. The PMC is responsible for the actual organisation and practicalities of the annual Lourdes pilgrimage.

As at September 2006, the membership of the PMC consists of:

* Declan Lang, Bishop of Clifton (Chairman)

* Bill Saunders (Pilgrimage Director)

* Vacant (Treasurer)

* Chris Thorpe (Secretary)

* Colette Sharrock (President Hospitalité)

* Tina Walker (Young Helpers’ Group Leader)

* Simon Blakesley (Chaplain to the Sick)

* James Walsh (Director of Music)

* Mike Carter (‘Accueil pilgrims’ bookings)

* Joanna Fernandes (Glanfield Children’s Group)

* A Director or Co-ordinator from each of the Diocesan Groups

Catholic Association Hospitalité

The Catholic Association Hospitalité of Our Lady of Lourdes – CA Hospitalité for short – exists to bind together the volunteer pilgrims, known in French as Hospitalier(e)s, who help in the service of all pilgrims – especially ‘sick pilgrims’ – during the Pilgrimage; doctors, nurses, handmaids (female helpers), brancardiers (male helpers), chaplains, and praying members. The Hospitalité is a religious sodality in the Catholic Church, with a strong social and spiritual element and it is affiliated to the Hospitalité Notre Dame de Lourdes (the central Hospitalité coordinating most volunteers in Lourdes throughout the year).

The CA Hospitalité is governed by a Council consisting of some ex-officio members who are Pilgrimage Officers (on the Pilgrimage Management Committee), and three members elected each for three years on a 'rolling' programme. The Council elects its own Officers, the President has a seat on the PMC, and the Council has power to co-opt members for a specific purpose. The Council is the driving force of the Hospitalité and looks after everything connected to the Sick Pilgrims.

The principal aims and objects of the CA Hospitalité are set out in the Constitution (and summarised above the application for membership) as follows:

a. To serve sick pilgrims going to Lourdes on the Catholic Association Pilgrimage and to help in the smooth running of religious and other activities involving sick pilgrims on that Pilgrimage under the direction of and in collaboration with the Pilgrimage Directors and Heads of Service.

b. To strengthen the bonds of fraternal life between its members and to help them maintain their obligations as Christians, their responsibilities in the Church and their devotion to Our Lady. This service consists especially of looking after the material needs of the sick pilgrims although the obligation of a member of the Hospitalité is not limited to material work. Members will be expected to help all pilgrims to benefit fully from the religious and social benefits of a pilgrimage to Lourdes.

Volunteer pilgrims may apply for membership of the Hospitalité on conclusion of their first pilgrimage. The Hospitalité Council may admit to the membership any class of person or individual who, in their opinion, renders suitable services to the sick. Following approval by the Hospitalité Council, applicants will be admitted to ordinary membership during their next pilgrimage to Lourdes, having made an Act of Consecration before the Patron or Chaplain. After working with the Pilgrimage for a further two years as members, helpers may apply for admission to full membership of the Hospitalité the following year. The Hospitalité Council may also invite ‘Sick Pilgrims’ to become full members of the Hospitalité who support the organization through their prayers.

It is worth remembering that members are encouraged to take the Spirit of Lourdes home with them and to promote the pilgrimage, in particular by recruiting other volunteers and by making known the facilities provided for Sick Pilgrims, both those who need to stay in an Accueil (house of welcome for the sick) and others who would be better served in a hotel.

As at September 2006 the CA Hospitalité Council consists of:

* Crispian Hollis, Bishop of Portsmouth (Patron)

* Colette Sharrock (President)

* Matt Betts (Secretary)

* Richard Long-Fox (Treasurer)

* Simon Blakesley (Chaplain)

* Dr Trevor Fernandes (Chief Medical Officer)

* Frances Presgraves (Chief Nurse)

* Rupert Bell (Chief Brancardier)

* Dr Sadie Vile (Chief Handmaid)

* Tina Walker (Leader of the Young Helpers’ Group)

* Martine O'Meara (Elected Member 2007 - 2010)

* Andy Joyce (Elected Member 2005 - 2008)

* James Walden (Elected Member 2006 - 2009)

* Simon Gallop (Stage co-ordinator)

More information: [ CA Hospitalité Newsletter]

The CA Hospitalité is also affiliated to the Association of British Lourdes Pilgrimage Hospitalités.

UK Hospitalité Events

*Each year the Catholic Association holds an AGM for all members.
*Every two years the Catholic Association runs a retreat at Walsingham.

Pilgrimage main events

Whilst small details will change from year to year, like most of the large-scale pilgrimages to Lourdes, The Catholic Association pilgrimage includes certain recurring events:

* Opening Mass
* Opening Party

* Mass at the Grotto

* Blessed Sacrament Procession

* Marian Torchlight Procession

* Sacrament of Reconciliation

* Baths

* Mass with Anointing of the Sick

* Hospitalité Mass

* Hospitalité Service

* Young Helpers’ Service

* Children’s Mass

* Stations of the Cross

* Pilgrimage Photos

* Diocesan Masses, Meetings and Parties
* Closing Mass

Health & Safety

Like all pilgrimages the CA has an extensive Health & Safety Policy.


The Catholic Association, for a number of years, has appointed Tangney Tours as their official travel agent, although a number of pilgrims travel independently.


The Catholic Association of the UK is not to be confused with that set up by Daniel O'Connell, founded in Ireland.

ee also

*Our Lady of Lourdes
*Marian apparitions
*Bernadette Soubirous

External links

[ Catholic Association]

[ Catholic Encyclopedia 1901]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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