Le Patron

Le Patron

BonPatron is a website that serves as a French spelling and grammar checker. Although originally designed with a strong pedagogical focus for students learning French [ [http://www.expressnews.ualberta.ca/article.cfm?id=7201 Le Patron helps learners master French - ExpressNews - University of Alberta ] ] , it is now widely used by both Francophones and non-Francophones. The interface of the page is offered in both English and French (there's also a sister site for correcting texts in English: SpellCheckPlus.


# [http://www.expressnews.ualberta.ca/article.cfm?id=7201 Le patron helps learners master French, from ExpressNews circa 2005] (Part of the University of Alberta)

External links

* [http://bonpatron.com/ BonPatron site]
* [http://spellcheckplus.com/ SpellCheckPlus site for texts in English]

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