

Castel is a place name meaning "castle".


Castel, a short form of castello ("castle"), is an exceedingly common component in Italian place names. There are many "comuni" bearing the prefix:

*Castel Baronia, in the province of Avellino
*Castel Boglione, in the province of Asti
*Castel Bolognese, in the province of Ravenna
*Castel Campagnano, in the province of Caserta
*Castel Castagna, in the province of Teramo
*Castel Colonna, in the province of Ancona
*Castel Condino, in the province of Trento
*Castel d'Aiano, in the province of Bologna
*Castel d'Ario, in the province of Mantova
*Castel d'Azzano, in the province of Verona
*Castel del Giudice, in the province of Isernia
*Castel del Monte, in the province of L’Aquila
*Castel del Piano, in the province of Grosseto
*Castel del Rio, in the province of Bologna
*Castel di Casio, in the province of Bologna
*Castel di Ieri, in the province of L’Aquila
*Castel di Judica, in the province of Catania
*Castel di Lama, in the province of Ascoli Piceno
*Castel di Lucio, in the province of Messina
*Castel di Sangro, in the province of L’Aquila
*Castel di Sasso, in the province of Caserta
*Castel di Tora, in the province of Rieti
*Castel Focognano, in the province of Arezzo
*Castel Frentano, in the province of Chieti
*Castel Gabbiano, in the province of Cremona
*Castel Gandolfo, in the province of Roma
*Castel Giorgio, in the province of Terni
*Castel Goffredo, in the province of Mantova
*Castel Guelfo di Bologna, in the province of Bologna
*Castel Madama, in the province of Roma
*Castel Maggiore, in the province of Bologna
*Castel Mella, in the province of Brescia
*Castel Morrone, in the province of Caserta
*Castel Ritaldi, in the province of Perugia
*Castel Rocchero, in the province of Asti
*Castel Rozzone, in the province of Bergamo
*Castel San Giorgio, in the province of Salerno
*Castel San Giovanni, in the province of Piacenza
*Castel San Lorenzo, in the province of Salerno
*Castel San Niccolò, in the province of Arezzo
*Castel San Pietro Romano, in the province of Roma
*Castel San Pietro Terme, in the province of Bologna
*Castel San Vincenzo, in the province of Isernia
*Castel Sant'Angelo, in the province of Rieti
*Castel Sant'Elia, in the province of Viterbo
*Castel Viscardo, in the province of Terni
*Castel Vittorio, in the province of Imperia
*Castel Volturno, in the province of Caserta

...and there are further hundreds of places with similar names that are not "comuni".


*Castel de Cabra, a town in the province of Teruel, Aragón.


*Castel is one of the parishes of Guernsey.

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