Mycobacterium lacus

Mycobacterium lacus
Mycobacterium lacus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Bacteria
Phylum: Actinobacteria
Order: Actinomycetales
Suborder: Corynebacterineae
Family: Mycobacteriaceae
Genus: Mycobacterium
Species: M. lacus
Binomial name
Mycobacterium lacus
Turenne et al. 2002, ATCC BAA-323

Mycobacterium lacus



Large, dispersed acid-fast bacilli with prominent beading

Colony characteristics

  • Colonies on Löwenstein-Jensen medium were nonchromogenic, small, with a dry appearance.
  • On Middlebrook 7H10 agar, colonies are small, nonpigmented and smooth to rough, with a slightly irregular edge. Younger colonies appeared slightly transparent.


  • Growth was observed on Löwenstein-Jensen medium at 2 weeks at both 37 and 42 °C and at 3 weeks at 30 °C. At 4 weeks, very little growth was observed at 25 °C, and no growth was observed at 52 °C.


  • Causitive agent of bursitis in an immunocompetant individual.

Type strain

  • Isolated from synovial tissue from a 68-year-old female with bursitis of her right elbow. Likely exposure was in a lake.

Strain NRCM 00-255 = ATCC BAA-323 = DSM 44577


  • Turenne et al. 2002. Mycobacterium lacus sp. nov., a novel slowly growing, non-chromogenic clinical isolate. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 52, 2135-2140. PMID 12508880