

name = "Bothrops"

image_caption = Common lancehead, "B. atrox"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
subphylum = Vertebrata
classis = Reptilia
ordo = Squamata
subordo = Serpentes
familia = Viperidae
subfamilia = Crotalinae
genus = "Bothrops"
genus_authority = Wagler, 1824
synonyms = * "Bothrops" - Wagler, 1824
* "Rhinocerophis" - Garman, 1881McDiarmid RW, Campbell JA, Touré T. 1999. Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, vol. 1. Herpetologists' League. 511 pp. ISBN 1-893777-00-6 (series). ISBN 1-893777-01-4 (volume).]

:"Common names: lanceheads,Campbell JA, Lamar WW. 2004. The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere. Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca and London. 870 pp. 1500 plates. ISBN 0-8014-4141-2.] American lanceheads, American lance-headed vipers.U.S. Navy. 1991. Poisonous Snakes of the World. US Govt. New York: Dover Publications Inc. 203 pp. ISBN 0-486-26629-X.] ""Bothrops" is a genus of venomous pitvipers found in Central America, South America. The generic name is derived from the Greek words "bothros" and "ops" that mean "pit" and "eye" or "face"; an allusion to the heat-sensitive loreal pit organs. Members of this genus are responsible for more human deaths in the Americas than any other group of venomous snakes. Currently, 32 species are recognized.ITIS|ID=209554|taxon=Bothrops|year=2006|date=3 November]


These snakes range from small, never growing to more than 50-70 cm, to large at over 200 cm in length. Most are characterized by having a sharp "canthus rostralis" and an unelevated snout.

The arrangement of the scales on top of the head is extremely variable; the number of intrasupraoculars may be anything from 3 to 14. Usually there are 7-9 supralabials and 9-11 sublabials. There are 21-29 midbody dorsal scales, 139-240 ventral scales and 30-86 subcaudals, which are generally divided.

Geographic range

Found in northeastern Mexico (Tamaulipas) southward through Central and South America to Argentina. Also occurs on the islands of Saint Lucia and Martinique in the Lesser Antilles, as well as on Ilha da Queimada Grande off the coast of Brazil.


Most species are nocturnal, although a few that are found at higher altitudes are active during the day. Otherwise they may be seen on cloudy days or during periods of rain. Most are terrestrial, even though all are capable of climbing. One in particular, "B. insularis", has a reputation for often being found in trees.


Members of this genus are responsible for more fatalities in the Americas than any other group of venomous snakes. In this regard, the most important species are "B. asper", "B. atrox" and "B. jararaca". Without treatment, the fatality rate is estimated to be about 7%, but with treatment this is reduced to 0.5-3%.

Typical symptoms of bothropic envenomation include immediate burning pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sweating, headache, massive swelling of the bitten extremity, hemorrhagic blebs, local necrosis, bleeding from the nose and gums, ecchymosis, erythemia, hypotension, tachycardia, coagulopathy with hypofibrinogenemia and thrombocytopenia, hematemesis, melena, epistaxis, hematuria, intracerebral hemorrhage and renal failure secondary to hypotension and bilateral cortical necrosis. There is usually some discoloration around the bite site and rashes may develop on the torso or the extremities.

In general, death results from hypotension secondary to hypovolemia, renal failure and intracranial hemorrhage. Common complications include necrosis and renal failure secondary to hypovolemic shock and the toxic effects of the venom.


"*) Not including the nominate subspecies."
T) Type species.


Other (new) species may be encountered in literature, such as:
* "B. alcatraz" - Marques, Martins & Sazima, 2002. Range: Brazil (São Paulo). Common name: jararaca-de-Alcatrazes.
* "B. muriciensis" - Ferrarezzi & Freire, 2001. Range: northeastern Brazil (Alagoas). Common name: Murici lancehead.

ee also

* List of crotaline species and subspecies
* Snakebite


External links

* [ "Bothrops"] at [] . Accessed 26 September 2006.
* [ List of "Bothrops" Complex by scientific name] at [ Jadin Expeditions] . Accessed 7 November 2006.
* [ Nomi Rettili Italiano - Inglese] at [] . Accessed 7 November 2006.
* [ Graphic image of "B. atrox" bite] at [ Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp] . Accessed 26 June 2007.
*. Accessed 6 December 2007.
*. Accessed 6 December 2007.
*. Accessed 6 December 2007.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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