Miroslav Žamboch

Miroslav Žamboch

Miroslav Žamboch (born 13 January 1972) is a Czech physicist and author whose modern-sensibility-imbued science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories have propelled him to the forefront of early 21st century Eastern European genre writers.

A native of the Moravian town of Hranice, Miroslav Žamboch graduated with a degree in physics from the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague. He has been working at the Institute for Nuclear Studies and, since the mid-1990s, has written ten novels and three collections of short stories. Four of his novels, including the most recent, 2007's Drsný Spasitel (Harsh Savior) have been translated into Polish.

Žamboch is also known as an outdoorsman and physical fitness enthusiast, having participated in judo exhibitions, amateur boxing, mountain climbing and downhill cycling.

Protagonists in his books

Marika Zaháňská


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