Brothers of Christian Instruction of St Gabriel

Brothers of Christian Instruction of St Gabriel

The Brothers of Christian Instruction of St Gabriel, otherwise Gabrielite Brothers or FSG, is a secular Catholic order. Its roots go back to Saint Louis de Montfort, who opened a few schools for poor children in La Rochelle, France, in about 1711.

After the French Revolution, the congregation amalgamated under the guidance of Father Gabriel Deshayes into the Brothers they are today. The name of "Saint Gabriel" stems from the dedication of the first chapel of the congregation.

The order's main concern is Christian education, especially for the poor, orphans and the physically challenged. Other organizations inspired by Montfortian ideals are the Company of Mary and the Daughters of Wisdom. The 'Associates' are a lay association linked to the Gabrielites and similarly inspired by Montfortian spirituality.

One of the examples of institutions run by FSG is Assumption University (better known as ABAC from its former name of Assumption Business Administration College), which was the first university in Thailand to offer all classes in the English language. They also established a school in Salem, India.