Registration Convention

Registration Convention

The Convention on Registration of Launched Objects into Outer Space was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1974UN document |docid=A-RES-3235(XXIX) |type=Resolution |body=General Assembly |session=29 |resolution_number=3235 |accessdate=2008-03-13|title=Convention on Registration of Objects Launched Into Outer Space|date=12 November 1974] [cite web|url=|title=Resolution 3235 (XXIX) - Convention on Registration of Objects Launched Into Outer Space|publisher=UNOOSA|date=12 November 1974] and went into force in 1976.

The convention requires states to furnish to the United Nations with details about the orbit of each space object. A registry of launchings was already being maintained by the United Nations as a result of a General Assembly Resolution in 1962.UN document |docid=A-RES-1721(XVI) |type=Resolution |body=General Assembly |session=16 |resolution_number=1721 |accessdate=2008-03-13|title=International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space|date=20 December 1962] [cite web|url=|title=1721 (XVI) - International Cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space|date=20 December 1962]

The Registration Convention and four other space law treaties are administered by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

Current status

The register includes
* Name of launching State;
* An appropriate designator of the space object or its registration number;
* Date and territory or location of launch;
* Basic orbital parameters (Nodal period, Inclination, Apogee and Perigee)
* General function of the space object. []

Registrations appear in the form of official letters to the United Nations. []

Future proposals

A General Assembly resolution from December 2007 that was accepted by consensus recommended that the data should be extended to include:UN document |docid=A-RES-62-101 |type=Resolution |body=General Assembly |session=62 |resolution_number=101 |date 17 December 2007 |highlight=rect_183,148_840,655 |page=3 |accessdate=2008-03-13]

* Coordinated Universal Time as the time reference for the date of launch;
* Kilometres, minutes and degrees as the standard units for basic orbital parameters;
* Any useful information relating to the function of the space object in addition to the general function requested by the Registration Convention
* The geostationary orbit location, if appropriate
* Any change of status in operations (eg, when a space object is no longer functional)
* The approximate date of decay or re-entry
* The date and physical conditions of moving a space object to a disposal orbit
* Web links to official information on space objects


More than 200 dead satellites now litter this vital part of space. Within 10 years that number could increase fivefold, warns a report by the UN. The resulting chaos could lead to serious damage or loss of a spacecraft. [cite news|url=|title=Warning of catastrophe from mass of 'space junk' - 'Failure to act would be folly,' says report to UN|publisher=The Observer|date=24 February 2008]


External links

* [ UNOOSA webpage for the Convention]

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