Lex Titia

Lex Titia

The Lex Titia was a Roman law passed on November 27, 43 BC, that granted triumvirates the right to rule for a period of five years. It is commonly known as the law that formalized and legalized the second triumvirate of Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus (the first triumvirate had existed outside of the law).

The passing of the Lex Titia marked the formal end of the Roman Republic, taking away most of the important decision-making powers from the Roman Senate and the popular assemblies, though in practice these powers had already been almost completely subverted by the series of tyrannies that had existed in the preceding half-century. The law, ostensibly only a temporary measure, was renewed in 38 BC, but quarrels between Octavian and Antony after the downfall of Lepidus in 36 BC prevented another period from being enacted, leading to the expirement of Lex Titia in 33 BC and the ensuing Final war of the Roman Republic.

Relevant articles

*Roman Law
*List of Roman laws

External links

* [http://web.upmf-grenoble.fr/Haiti/Cours/Ak The Roman Law Library, incl. "Leges"]

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