Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family
Focus on the Family
Abbreviation FOTF
Motto Helping Families Thrive
Formation 1977
Headquarters Colorado Springs, Colorado
Location Worldwide
Founder James Dobson
President Jim Daly

Focus on the Family (FOTF, or FotF) is an American evangelical Christian tax-exempt non-profit organization founded in 1977 by psychologist James Dobson, and is based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Focus on the Family is one of a number of evangelical parachurch organizations that rose to prominence in the 1980s. A component of the American Christian right, it is active in promoting interdenominational work toward its views on social conservative public policy. Focus on the Family is also currently the primary sponsor for Phil Vischer's JellyTelly.

Focus on the Family's mission is "nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide."[1] Some of the core promotional activities of the organization include a daily radio broadcast by Dobson and his colleagues, providing free resources and family counseling according to Focus on the Family views, and publishing a variety of magazines, videos, and audio recordings. The organization also produces specialized programs for targeted audiences, such as Adventures in Odyssey for children, dramas, and Family Minute with James Dobson. Both Focus on the Family and Adventures in Odyssey are broadcast on Trans World Radio in the UK.


History and organization

Focus on the Family's former logo.
Focus on the Family's Visitor's Welcome Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

From 1977 to 2003, James Dobson served as the sole leader of the organization. In 2003, Donald P. Hodel became president and chief executive officer, tasked with the day-to-day operations.[2] This left Dobson as chairman of the Board of Directors, with chiefly creative and speaking duties. On Feb 27th, 2009 it was announced that James Dobson was resigning as Chairman of Focus on the Family,[3] and by early 2010 he was no longer the public face of Focus on the Family, and was no longer hosting the daily radio program.

In March 2005, Hodel retired and Jim Daly, formerly the Vice President in charge of Focus on the Family's International Division, assumed the role of president and chief executive officer.[4]

In November 2008, the organization announced that it was eliminating 202 jobs, representing 18 percent of its workforce. The organization also cut its budget from $160 million in fiscal 2008 to $138 million for fiscal 2009.[5]

On February 27, 2009, Dobson officially announced he was stepping down as chairman of the Board of Directors, but would continue to serve as host of the Focus on the Family broadcasts and write a monthly column.[6]


Marriage and family

The primary ministry of Focus on the Family is to strengthen what it considers to be traditional marriages and families.[7] Much of the underlying theory comes from the published works of Dr. James Dobson, who has written a number of books on subjects ranging from raising children to taking steps to prevent divorce by helping couples with conflict management. One key theme of this ministry is helping couples understand the negative consequences of divorce on their children. The organization maintains a toll-free telephone counseling service available to anyone in a family crisis.

Radio theater

A wall in Whit's End at the visitor's center showing the Adventures in Odyssey voice actors, challenging viewers to match them with the characters.

Focus on The Family Radio Theatre is a series of audio dramas adapting classic literature, mystery mini-series and biographical productions, extending its reach to the mainstream as well as the Christian audience. The endeavor began through the efforts of former Adventures in Odyssey producers Dave Arnold and Paul McCusker, along with casting director Philip Glassborow based in England.

Radio Theater began in 1996 with a 90-minute radio drama based on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, which was produced and aired as a broadcast special. The drama continued with historical biographies of Squanto ("The Legend of Squanto"), Jesus ("The Luke Reports") and Dietrich Bonhoeffer ("Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Freedom"). In 2003, Focus on the Family Radio Theater released an audio dramatization of C. S. Lewis' epic novel series The Chronicles of Narnia, with David Suchet providing the voice of Aslan, and over 100 English actors rounding out the cast. Lewis' stepson, Douglas Gresham, serves as host—sharing his personal stories at the beginning of each audio drama.

The Visitor's Center contains an indoor children's play area that includes a Whit's End ice cream shop.

Radio Theatre also released an original miniseries, the Father Gilbert Mysteries, which tells of the spiritual mysteries encountered by Louis Gilbert, a cop-turned-Anglican-priest, who lives in Stonebridge, Sussex, and ministers to the people of the town from St. Mark's Church. Nine episodes have been produced in four volumes available on cassette and CD.

FOTF also produces a children's radio drama entitled Adventures in Odyssey. It began in 1987 as Family Portraits, starring an elderly Christian gentleman named John Avery Whittaker (aka "Whit"), who runs an ice cream shop/"discovery emporium" called Whit's End; and he imparts Christian wisdom to the children of the town of Odyssey. It was renamed "Odyssey USA" in November 1987 and took on its present name, Adventures in Odyssey, in April 1988.[8]

FOTF also produced a radio miniseries based on their videos, The Last Chance Detectives.

In 2009, FOTF's Radio Theatre produced an audio drama of C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters, starring Andy Serkis (Gollum from the Lord of the Rings movies) as the voice of Screwtape. The audio drama was also accompanied by the release of, the only site authorized by the C.S. Lewis estate to represent The Screwtape Letters.[9]

National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer Task Force is an American evangelical conservative Christian non-profit organization which organizes, coordinates, and presides over Evangelical Christian religious observances each year on the National Day of Prayer. The main office of the NDP Task Force is located at the headquarters of Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The website of the NDP Task Force states that "its business affairs are separate" from those of Focus on the Family, but also that "between 1990 and 1993, Focus on the Family did provide grants in support of the NDP Task Force" and that "Focus on the Family is compensated for services rendered."[10] Shirley Dobson, wife of James Dobson, has been chairwoman of the NDP Task Force since 1991.[11]

Day of Dialogue

The Day of Dialogue is a student-led event which takes place April 16. Founders describe the goal of the event, created in opposition to the anti-bullying Day of Silence, as "encouraging honest and respectful conversation among students about God's design for sexuality." It was previously known as the Day of Truth and was founded by the Alliance Defense Fund in 2005.[12]

Other ministries

Focus on the Family has a number of additional ministries. Many are aimed at specific demographics including teenage boys and girls, children, college students, families, young adults, parents, while others are aimed at specific concerns, such as sexual problems, entertainment, and politics. Many have their own regular publications. The ministry for college students and young adults is known as Boundless Webzine.

Political positions and activities

As a 501(c)(3) corporation, Focus on the Family is not permitted to advocate any individual political candidate.[13] In its radio broadcast, it often discusses political issues and current events, usually through a Christian conservative point of view. Dobson is among the Christian conservative leaders who met with and advised former President George W. Bush. Focus on the Family's magazine Citizen is exclusively devoted to politics. The FOTF also has an affiliated group, Focus on the Family Action (a.k.a. Focus Action), though the two groups are legally separate. As a 501(c)(4) social welfare group, Focus Action has fewer political lobbying restrictions. FoTF's revenue in 2005 was USD $142M, and that of FoTF Action was $14.7M.[14][15]

The group supports the teaching of what it considers to be traditional family values. It advocates school sponsored prayer and supports corporal punishment.[16] It strongly opposes LGBT rights, abortion, pornography, legalized gambling,[17] and pre-marital and extramarital sexual activity. Focus on the Family also embraces and reflects the wider political agenda of its audience, for instance promoting a religiously-centered conception of American identity and the support of Israel.

Focus on the Family maintains a strong pro-life stand against abortion, and provides grant funding and medical training to assist crisis pregnancy centers (also known as pregnancy resource centers) in obtaining ultrasound machines. The organization has been staunchly opposed to public funding for elective abortions. According to the organization, this funding, which has allowed CPCs to provide pregnant women with live sonogram images of the developing fetus, has led directly to the birth of over 1500 babies who would have otherwise been aborted.[18][19]

FOTF's bookstore at their headquarters contains a variety of material on Christian living, Bibles, etc.

Focus on the Family broadcasts a national talk radio program of the same name hosted by Dobson or his aides. The program has a range of themes, such as Christian-oriented assistance for victims of rape or child abuse; parenting difficulties; child adoption; husband/wife roles; family history and traditions; struggles with gambling, pornography, alcohol, and drugs; and many other themes. When programs deal with civic issues, listeners often respond to these programs by contacting political leaders.

Focus on the Family has been a prominent supporter of intelligent design, publishing pro-intelligent design articles in its Citizen magazine and selling intelligent design videos on its website.[20][21] Focus on the Family co-published the intelligent design videotape Unlocking the Mystery of Life with the Discovery Institute, hub of the intelligent design movement.[22] Focus on the Family employee Mark Hartwig is also a fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, a connection which has helped to publicize intelligent design extensively; James Dobson often featured intelligent design proponents on his Focus on the Family radio program. Focus on the Family's is a significant online resource for intelligent design articles.[23][24]

2008 Presidential campaign

In the 2008 U.S. presidential election, it shifted from support of Mike Huckabee to not supporting any candidate, to finally accepting the Republican ticket once Sarah Palin was added to the ticket. Prior to the election, a television and letter campaign was launched predicting terrorist attacks in four U.S. cities and equating the U.S. with Nazi Germany. This publicity was condemned by the Anti Defamation League.[25] Within a month before the general election, Focus on the Family began distributing a 16 page letter titled Letter from 2012 in Obama's America, which describes an imagined American future in which "many of our freedoms have been taken away by a liberal Supreme Court of the United States and a majority of Democrats in both the House of Representatives and the Senate."[26] According to USA Today, the letter "is part of an escalation in rhetoric from Christian right activists" trying to paint Democratic Party presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama in a negative light.[27]

Focus on the Family Action supported Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) in his successful December 2, 2008, runoff election win. The organization, according to the Colorado Independent, donated $35,310 in radio ads to the Chambliss runoff campaign effort. As the Independent reports, the Focus-sponsored ads were aired in about a dozen Georgia markets. The commercials were produced in the weeks after Focus laid off 202 employees — some 20 percent of its workforce — because of the national economic crisis.[28]

Position on same-sex marriage

Focus on the Family works to preserve its interpretation of the biblical ideals of marriage and parenthood, and therefore the organization takes a strong stance against LGBT rights and same-sex marriage. Founder James Dobson expressed great concern for the institution of marriage in a 2003 letter to the Christian community. In reference to the same-sex marriage movement, Dobson says that the institution of marriage “…is about to descend into a state of turmoil unlike any other in human history.” Focus on the Family believes that marriage should be defined as only being between a man and a woman. Dobson supported the failed Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman, preventing courts and state legislatures from challenging this definition.[29]

In the same letter Dobson says that traditional marriage is the cornerstone of society, and he states that the goal of the gay and lesbian movement is not to redefine marriage but to destroy the institution itself. “Most gays and lesbians do not want to marry each other…the intention here is to destroy marriage altogether.” Dobson makes the argument that without the institution of marriage everyone would enjoy the benefits of marriage without limiting the number of partners or their gender. Focus on the Family sees allowing same-sex marriage as “…a stepping-stone on the road to eliminating all societal restrictions on marriage and sexuality.”[29]

Focus on the Family asserts that the Bible lays out the correct plan for marriage and family. Dobson says that "God created Eve to complement Adam physically, spiritually, and emotionally". Dobson also uses the biblical figure Paul to affirm his views on marriage. He states that Paul maintained that men and women mutually complete each other, and to exchange a "natural relationship for an unnatural one is sinful".[29]

In reference to same-sex marriage and same-sex couples with children, Dobson states, “Same-sex relationships undermine the future generation’s understanding of the fundamental principles of marriage, parenthood, and gender.” He also stated that the alleged destruction of what it considers to be the traditional family by permitting same-sex marriage will lead to "unstable homes for children".[29]

Focus on the Family became more active in the same-sex marriage opposition movement after the Supreme Court of Canada declared that restricting marriage to opposite-sex couples is a violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 2003.[29]

Dobson spoke at the 2004 rally against gay marriage called Mayday for Marriage. It was here for the first time that he endorsed a presidential candidate, George W. Bush. Here he denounced the Supreme Court rulings in favor of gay rights, and he urged rally participants to get out and vote so that the battle against gay rights could be won in the Senate.[30]

In an interview with Christianity Today magazine, Dobson also explained that he was not in favor of civil unions. He stated that civil unions are just same-sex marriage under a different name. The main priority of the opposing same-sex marriage movement is to define marriage on the federal level as between a man and a woman and combat the passage of civil unions later.[31]

The group's message has been controversial. In particular, groups who support gay rights, including some educational, medical, and mental health organizations, have criticized the organization for its stance on homosexuality and related legislation and for its Love Won Out ministry, an ex-gay movement in cooperation with Exodus International and NARTH.[32] Gay rights advocacy groups identify Focus on the Family as a major opponent of gay rights. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a pro-gay[33] American civil rights organization described Focus on the Family as one of a "dozen major groups [which] help drive the religious right's anti-gay crusade".[34]

The American Psychological Association and the Royal College of Psychiatrists expressed concerns that the positions espoused by Focus on the Family are not supported by the science and create an environment in which prejudice and discrimination can flourish.[35][36]

Focus on the Family is a member of, a coalition formed to sponsor California Proposition 8, a ballot initiative to restrict marriage to opposite-sex couples, which passed in 2008[37], but was subsequently struck down as being unconstitutional by a federal court in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, with the ruling currently stayed by the 9th Circuit Court.

Misrepresentation of research

Focus on the Family has been accused, on several occasions, of misrepresenting research.[38] Judith Stacey, one researcher whose work FotF used to claim that gays and lesbians did not make good parents, said that the claim was "a direct misrepresentation of the research."[39] She elaborated, "Whenever you hear Focus on the Family, legislators or lawyers say, 'Studies prove that children do better in families with a mother and a father,' they are referring to studies which compare two-parent heterosexual households to single-parent households. The studies they are talking about do not cite research on families headed by gay and lesbian couples."[40] James Dobson cited the research of Kyle Pruett and Carol Gilligan in a Time Magazine guest article in the service of a claim that two women cannot raise a child; upon finding out that her work had been used in this way, Gilligan wrote a letter to Dobson asking him to apologize and to cease and desist from citing her work, describing herself as "mortified to learn that you had distorted my work...Not only did you take my research out of context, you did so without my knowledge to support discriminatory goals that I do not agree with...there is nothing in my research that would lead you to draw the stated conclusions you did in the Time article."[41] Pruett wrote a similar letter, in which he said that Dobson "cherry-picked a phrase to shore up highly (in my view) discriminatory purposes. This practice is condemned in real science, common though it may be in pseudo-science circles. There is nothing in my longitudinal research or any of my writings to support such conclusions," and asked that FotF not cite him again without permission.[42] After her research on teen suicide was used by Focus on the Family to promote "conversion therapy," Elizabeth Saewyc said that "the research has been hijacked for somebody's political purposes or ideological purposes and that's worrisome," and that research in fact linked the suicide rate among LGBT teens to harassment, discrimination, and closeting.[43] Other scientists who have criticized Focus on the Family's misrepresentation of their findings include Robert Spitzer,[44] Gary Remafedi[42] and Angela Phillips.[44]

FOTF said Stacey's allegation was without merit and that their position is that the best interests of children are served when there is a father and a mother. "We haven't said anything about sexual orientation" said Glenn Stanton.[39]

Super Bowl XLIV advertisement

In February 2010, Focus on the Family purchased a 30-second commercial spot during CBS's telecast of Super Bowl XLIV, featuring 2007 Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam. Pam was advised by doctors to have an abortion as she was exposed to amoebiasis, but she carried the pregnancy to term. The then unseen ad had drawn criticism from some abortion rights groups such as Planned Parenthood who asked CBS to cancel the ad because they argued that it was divisive.[45][dead link][46] CBS's decision to run the ad was also criticized because in the past CBS and other networks had declined to run advocacy type ads during the Super Bowl. For example, ads by left leaning or perceived left leaning groups such as PETA, and the United Church of Christ (which wanted to run an ad that was pro-same sex marriage) were denied.[47] The ad, which made no reference to abortion or Christianity and referred to Tim merely as a "miracle baby" who "almost didn't make it into this world",[48] aired as scheduled on CBS.

Recognitions and awards

In 2008, Dobson's "Focus on the Family" program was nominated for induction into the National Radio Hall of Fame.[49] Nominations were made by the 157 members of the Hall of Fame and voting on inductees was handed over to the public using online voting.[50] The nomination drew the ire of gay rights activists, who launched efforts to have the program removed from the nominee list and to vote for other nominees to prevent "Focus on the Family" from winning.[51][52] However, on July 18, 2008, it was announced that the program had won and would be inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in a ceremony on November 8, 2008.[53] Truth Wins Out, a gay rights group, protested the ceremony with over 300 protesters.[54][dead link]

International associates and regional offices

New Zealand

Focus on the Family New Zealand logo

Focus on the Family New Zealand is an organisation promoting a conservative Christian ideology. It has a similar agenda to the Focus on the Family organisation in the United States. Focus on the Family supported a Citizens Initiated Referendum on the repeal of section 59 of the Crimes Act 1961.[55]

Other countries


The Administration Building is one of four on the headquarters campus

The Focus on the Family headquarters is in a four building complex on a 47-acre (19 ha) plot of land,[56] located off of Interstate 25 in northern Colorado Springs, Colorado.[57][58]

As of 1998 the entire Focus on the Family headquarters property had over 77 acres (31 ha) of land. 1,300 employees work in the complex,[57] which has its own ZIP code (80995).[57][59] Christopher Ott of Salon said in 1998 that the Focus campus has "handsome new brick buildings, professional landscaping and even its own traffic signs."[60] Ott added that "The buildings and grounds are well-maintained and comfortable. If there is any ostentatious or corrupt influence here, it is nowhere in sight."[57]

The headquarters includes the Focus on the Family Welcome Center. While visiting the Focus on the Family complex, a couple had asked the staff if handling the sightseers in the main building was a distraction. The staff told the couple that it was a distraction; afterwards the couple donated $4 million to have a welcome center built. A visiting family donated 7 miles (11 km) of wood trim from the family's Pennsylvania lumber business so Focus on the Family could build its administration building. As of 1998, James Dobson, in his welcome center film, compares his decision to build the headquarters in Colorado Springs to the founding of the temple in Jerusalem.[57]


  1. ^ "Focus on the Family's Foundational Values". Focus on the Family. Retrieved 2010-02-08. 
  2. ^ "James Dobson no longer a manager, just an orator". Reading Eagle. May 17, 2003. p. A9.,327647. 
  3. ^ Dobson steps down as FOF chairman
  4. ^ "Hodel retiring as president of Focus, succeeded by James Daly". Baptist Press (Southern Baptist Convention). February 25, 2005. 
  5. ^ Bill Reed. "Focus on the Family eliminating 202 jobs". Colorado Springs Gazette. 
  6. ^ Dobson Resigns as Chairman of Focus on the Family
  7. ^ Nieves, Evelyn (August 17, 2003). "Family Values Groups Gear Up for Battle Over Gay Marriage". Washington Post. "Focus on the Family, which Dobson...began 25 years ago to strengthen and promote the traditional family unit using conservative Christian interpretations of scripture...." 
  8. ^ "Adventures in Odyssey online". Retrieved 2007-10-11. 
  9. ^ Official audio drama website
  10. ^ National Day of Prayer Task Force website -- FAQs
  11. ^ National Day of Prayer Task Force website -- Shirley Dobson bio
  12. ^ Focus to sponsor anti-gay observance for students
  13. ^ "Election Year Activities and the Prohibition on Political Campaign Intervention for Section 501(c)(3) Organizations". Internal Revenue Service. February 2006.,,id=154712,00.html. Retrieved 2011-02-05. "Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. ... Political campaign intervention includes any and all activities that favor or oppose one or more candidates for public office. The prohibition [includes and] extends beyond candidate endorsements." 
  14. ^ Focus of the Family Form 990s tax filing
  15. ^ Focus of the Family Action Form 990s tax filing
  16. ^ Focus on the Family Defends Parents' Right to Discipline Archived May 1, 2004 at the Wayback Machine
  17. ^ Focus on the Family website, Our Position (Gambling), accessed 2009-09-25
  18. ^ Sanctity of Human Life
  19. ^ The New York Times > National > Church Groups Turn to Sonogram to Turn Women From Abortions
  20. ^ Inferior Design Chris Mooney. The American Prospect Online, September 2005
  21. ^ Expert Witness Report Barbara Forrest. Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District. (PDF file)
  22. ^ Unlocking the Mystery of Life Stephen C. Meyer and W. Peter Allen. Center for Science and Culture July 15, 2004
  23. ^ Feature Articles Focus On Social Issues - Origins. CitizenLink, Focus on the Family
  24. ^ Recommended Reading List Focus On Social Issues - Origins. CitizenLink, Focus on the Family
  25. ^ " Video". CNN. Retrieved 2010-05-02. 
  26. ^
  27. ^ Gorski, Eric; Zoll, Rachel (2008-10-28). "Christian right's mailings depict disastrous future under Obama". USA Today. Retrieved 2010-05-02. 
  28. ^ Chambliss got help from Focus on the Family, as well as Musgrave
  29. ^ a b c d e James Dobson (September 2003). "Marriage on the Ropes". Newsletter Archive. Focus on the Family Southern Africa. Retrieved 2010-01-26. 
  30. ^ KirkPatrick, David D. (16 October 2004), "THE 2004 CAMPAIGN: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE; Rally Against Gay Marriage Draws Thousands to Capital", New York Times: 12,, retrieved 2010-01-25 
  31. ^ Rutledge, Kathleen K. (January 2005), "Dobson on the Gay Marriage Battle", Christianity Today 49 (1): 60,, retrieved 2010-01-25 
  32. ^ Straight Like Me
  33. ^ Southern Poverty Law Center: LGBT Rights, 
  34. ^,0
  35. ^ Statement of the American Psychological Association
  36. ^ Royal College of Psychiatrists: Statement from the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Gay and Lesbian Mental Health Special Interest Group
  37. ^ Hubbell, John M. (April 28, 2005). "Coalition seeks male-female marriage definition / New ballot push for constitutional amendment". San Francisco Chronicle: p. B.3. 
  38. ^ M., J.. "Experts say Dobson's Time column distorted their research to denounce same-sex parents". Media Matters for America. Retrieved 9 September 2011. 
  39. ^ a b Paulson, Steven K. (2006-08-17). "Gay Rights Group: Dobson Manipulated Data". Washington Post. Retrieved 2008-05-21. "A Focus on the Family official denied the allegation... Focus on the Family spokesman Glenn Stanton cited other research including an article co-authored by Mary Parke, a policy analyst at the Center for Law and Social Policy, that shows that children need a mother and a father, regardless of the parents' sexual orientation. "We haven't said anything about sexual orientation," he said." 
  40. ^ "Dobson's FOF Distorts Research, Says NYU Sociology Professor". Church & State. September 2006. 
  41. ^ "James Dobson Slammed for Distorting Facts on Gay Families in Time Magazine". Edge Boston. December 15, 2006. 
  42. ^ a b Birkey, Andy. "Minnesota researcher claims Focus on the Family misrepresented his work". The Minnesota Independent. The American Independent News Network. Retrieved 9 September 2011. 
  43. ^ Gorham, Beth (June 19, 2006). "B.C. researcher says American group distorting her research on teen suicide". Canada Press. 
  44. ^ a b Besen, Wayne (December 28, 2006). "Science Strikes Back". San Francisco Bay Times. 
  45. ^ CBS Urged to Scrap Super Bowl Ad With Tebow, Mom, Associated Press via, 25 January 2010
  46. ^ Focus on the Family to Air ‘Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life’ Super Bowl Ad with Tim Tebow
  47. ^ CBS defends decision to run politically sensitive Tim Tebow Ad during Super Bowl 27 January 2010
  48. ^ Advertising Age: "Watch All the Super Bowl XLIV Spots", February 7, 2010.
  49. ^ Williams, Devon (2008-05-01). "Dr. Dobson's Broadcast Nominated to Radio Hall of Fame". Retrieved 2008-07-25. 
  50. ^ Barna, Mark (2008-07-21). "Dobson garners hall of fame honor". The Gazette. Retrieved 2008-07-25. 
  51. ^ "Dr. Dobson Blasted by Gay Activist". 2008-07-11. Retrieved 2008-07-25. 
  52. ^ Besen, Wayne (2008-07-09). "TWO Launches Drive to Keep James Dobson Out of the Radio Hall of Fame". PR Newswire. Retrieved 2008-07-25. 
  53. ^ Cuprisin, Tim (2008-07-20). "FCC commissioner wants more concessions in satellite merger". Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Archived from the original on July 25, 2008. Retrieved 2008-07-25. 
  54. ^ "Religion News in Brief". Associated Press. 2008-07-25. Retrieved 2008-07-25. 
  55. ^ Focus on the Family (2007-05-17). "Lobby group offers help through smacking mess". Scoop. Retrieved 2008-06-30. 
  56. ^ Martin, Claire. "Fun is the focus Three-story slide gives kids a thrill." Denver Post. April 23, 2000. F-07. Retrieved on September 17, 2010. "Focus on the Family's sprawling headquarters four buildings on 47 acres of land[...]"
  57. ^ a b c d e Ott, Christopher. "God's own ZIP Code." Salon. July 9, 1998. 2. Retrieved on September 17, 2010.
  58. ^ "What is Focus on the Family's mailing address?" Focus on the Family. Retrieved on September 17, 2010. "Focus on the Family 8605 Explorer Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920 ."
  59. ^ "How do I contact Focus on the Family?." Focus on the Family. Retrieved on September 17, 2010.
  60. ^ Ott, Christopher. "God's own ZIP Code." Salon. July 9, 1998. 1. Retrieved on September 17, 2010.

External links

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  • Focus on the Family — Тип организации: общественная организация Официальный сайт Focus on the Family Focus on the Family  американская общественная евангельская христианская организация …   Википедия

  • Focus on the Family — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Focus on the Family (FOTF, o FotF) es un grupo evangelico estadounidense. Es una organización sin fines de lucro fundada en 1977 por el Dr. James Dobson y está ubicada en Colorado Springs, Colorado. Focus on the… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Focus on the Family — (FOTF oder FotF, deutsch sinngemäß Die Familie im Mittelpunkt) ist eine international tätige, evangelikale, gemeinnützige Organisation aus den USA. Ihr Ziel ist es, beim Aufbau von erfolgreichen christlichen Ehen zu helfen, und Eltern auszurüsten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Focus on the Family (United States) — Focus on the Family (FOTF, or FotF) is an American evangelical group. The non profit organization was founded in 1977 by James Dobson, and is based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Focus on the Family is one of a number of evangelical parachurch… …   Wikipedia

  • Focus on the Family Canada — is a Canadian affiliate of the American evangelical Christian organization Focus on the Family. It was founded in 1983, and is based in Langley, British Columbia. The organization s official name as a registered Canadian charity is Focus on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Focus on the Family New Zealand — is an organisation promoting a conservative Christian ideology. It is an affiliate of the Focus on the Family worldwide organisation based in the United States. [cite web |url= |title=Focus… …   Wikipedia

  • Focus on the Family (disambiguation) — Focus on the Family may refer to:*Focus on the Family Canada, an affiliate of the American group *Focus on the Family New Zealand *Focus on the Family (United States), is an American evangelical group **Focus on the Family Institute, a satellite… …   Wikipedia

  • Focus on the Family Action — (sometimes just Focus Action) founded in April 2004, is an evangelical Christian 501(c)(4) non profit organization based in the United States. The organization claims it is, completely separate from Focus on the Family, legally, referring to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Focus on the Family Institute — The Focus on the Family Institute is located in Colorado Springs, Coloradoand is a satellite organization of Focus on the Family. It is not accredited by any group recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation or United States… …   Wikipedia

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