List of books set in New York City

List of books set in New York City

This article provides an incomplete list of fiction books set in New York City. Included is the date of first publication.

Books for adults

Nineteenth century


* "Eight Cousins" - Louisa May Alcott (1874)
* "A History of New York" - Washington Irving (1809)


*"Washington Square" - Henry James (1880)


* "" - Stephen Crane (1893)
* "" - Abraham Cahan (1896)

Twentieth century


* "The Melting Pot" - Israel Zangwill (1908)
* "Ashes of Roses " - Mary Jane Auch (1911)
* "Custom of the Country" - Edith Wharton (1913)


* "The Age of Innocence" - Edith Wharton (1920)
* "Bread Givers" - Anzia Yezierska (1925)
* "The Great Gatsby" - F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
* "Manhattan Transfer" - John Dos Passos (1925)
* "Plum Bun" - Jessie Redmon Fauset (1929)


* "Jews Without Money" - Michael Gold (1930)
* "Call It Sleep" - Henry Roth (1934)
* "The Thin Man" - Dashiell Hammett (1934)
* "Turn, Magic Wheel" - Dawn Powell (1936)


* "Laura" - Vera Caspary (1943)
* "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" - Betty Smith (1943)
* "The Fountainhead" - Ayn Rand (1943)
* "The Big Clock" - Kenneth Fearing (1946)
* "The Deadly Percheron" - John Franklin Bardin (1946)
* "The Street" - Ann Petry (1946)
* "Three Bedrooms in Manhattan" - Georges Simenon (1946)
* "I, the Jury - Mickey Spillane" (1947)
* "Invisible Man" - Ralph Ellison (1947)
* "The Last of Phillip Banter" - John Franklin Barden (1947)
* "The Victim" - Saul Bellow (1947)
* "Consider Her Ways" - Frederick Philip Grove (1948)


* "Bunny Lake Is Missing" - Merriam Modell (writing as Evelyn Piper) (1957)
* "The Caine Mutiny" - Herman Wouk (1951)
* "The Catcher in the Rye" - J. D. Salinger (1951)
* "The Caves of Steel" - Isaac Asimov (1953)
* "Marjorie Morningstar" - Herman Wouk (1955)
* "Atlas Shrugged" - Ayn Rand (1957)
* "Breakfast at Tiffany's" - Truman Capote (1958)
* "Brown Girl, Brownstones" - Paule Marshall (1959)


* "Another Country" - James Baldwin (1962)
* "The Group" - Mary McCarthy (1963)
* "Joy in the Morning" - Betty Smith (1963)
* "Joe Gould's Secret" - Joseph Mitchell (1964)
* "A Singular Man" - J. P. Donleavy (1964)
* "Last Exit to Brooklyn" - Hubert Selby (1964)
* "The Doorbell Rang" - Rex Stout (1965)
* "Make Room! Make Room!" - Harry Harrison (1966)
* "The Butterfly Kid" - Chester Anderson (1967)
* "The Chosen" - Chaim Potok (1967)
* "Rosemary's Baby" - Ira Levin (1967)
* "My Sister Eileen" - Ruth McKenney (1968)
* "The Godfather" - Mario Puzo (1969)
* "Topsy and Evil" - George Baxt (1969)


* "Time and Again" - Jack Finney (1970)
* "Enemies" - Isaac Bashevis Singer (1972)
* "Umbrella Steps" - Julie Goldsmith Gilbert (1972)
* "A Bomb Built in Hell" - Andrew Vachss (1973)
* "A Fairytale of New York" - J. P. Donleavy (1973)
* "Great Jones Street" - Don DeLillo (1973)
* "Sheila Levine Is Dead and Living in New York" - Gail Parent (1973)
* "Sophie's Choice" - William Styron (1976)
* "Players" - Don DeLillo (1977)
* "An Armful of Warm Girl" - W.M. Spackman (1978)
* "A Contract with God" - Will Eisner (1978)
* "Dancer from the Dance" - Andrew Holleran(1978)
* "Faggots" - Larry Kramer (1978)
* "Happy All the Time" - Laurie Colwin (1978)
* "The Stand" - Stephen King (1978)
* "A Queer Kind of Death" - George Baxt (1979)


* "The Gunslinger" - Stephen King (1982)
* "Last Angry Man" - Gerald Green (1983)
* "Bright Lights, Big City" - Jay McInerney (1984)
* "Duplicate Keys" - Jane Smiley (1984)
* "Neuromancer" - William Ford Gibson (1984)
* "Blood Music" - Greg Bear (1985)
* "Flood" - Andrew Vachss (1985)
* "The Hyde Park Murder" - Elliott Roosevelt (1985)
* "The Bachelor's Bride"- Stephen Koch (1986)
* "Dreams of an Average Man" -Dyan Sheldon (1986)
* "Money - Martin Amis" (1986)
* "Social Disease" - Paul Rudnick (1986)
* "War Cries Over Avenue C" - Jerome Charyn (1986)
* "The Bonfire of the Vanities" - Tom Wolfe (1987)
* "The Drawing of the Three" - Stephen King (1987)
* "Ice and Fire" - Andrea Dworkin (1987)
* "Knight Life" - Peter David (1987)
* "Paradise Man" - Jerome Charyn (1987)
* "Stars and Bars" - William Boyd (1987)
* "Strega" - Andrew Vachss (1987)
* "The Year of Silence" - Madison S. Bell (1987)
* "Blue Belle" - Andrew Vachss (1988)
* "Little Odessa" - Joseph Koenig (1988)
* "People Like Us" - Dominick Dunne (1988)
* "The Crazy Kill" - Chester Himes (1989)
* "Emma Who Saved My Life" - Wilton Barnhardt (1989)
* "A Fairy Tale of New York" - J.P. Donleavy (1989)
* "Hard Candy" - Andrew Vachss (1989)


* "Billy Bathgate" - E.L. Doctorow (1990)
* "Children of the Night" - Mercedes Lackey (1990)
* "A Home at the End of the World" - Michael Cunningham (1990)
* "The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love" - Oscar Hijuelos (1990)
* "Moon Palace" - Paul Auster (1990)
* "Our House in the Last World" - Oscar Hijuelos (1990)
* "Skinny Legs and All" - Tom Robbins (1990)
* "Sniper's Moon" - Carsten Stroud (1990)
* "American Psycho" - Bret Easton Ellis (1991)
* "Aftershock" - Chuck Scarborough
* "Day of Atonement" - Faye Kellerman (1991)
* "Sacrifice" - Andrew Vachss (1991)
* "Sliver" - Ira Levin (1991)
* "The First Wives Club" - Olivia Goldsmith (1992)
* "Good Fairies of New York" - Martin Millar (1992)
* "Sweet Liar" - Jude Deveraux (1992)
* "The Kaisho" - Eric Lustbader (1993)
* "A Mother's Love" - Mary Morris (1993)
* "Nude Men" - Amanda Filipacchi (1993)
* "Banished Children of Eve" - Peter Quinn (1994)
* "Down in the Zero" - Andrew Vachss (1994)
* "A Feather on the Breath of God" - Sigrid Nunez (1994)
* "Just Like That" - Lily Brett (1994)
* "The Alienist" - Caleb Carr (1995)
* "The Lady Who Liked Clean Restrooms" - J. P. Donleavy (1995)
* "Footsteps of the Hawk" - Andrew Vachss (1995)
* "Full Stop" - Joan Smith (1995)
* "One Coffee With" - Margaret Maron (1995)
* "Winter's Tale" - Mark Helprin (1995)
* "World's Fair" - E.L. Doctorow (1996)
* "The Book of Night With Moon" - Diane Duane (1997)
* "A History of Violence" - John Wagner (1997)
* "" - Steven Millhauser (1997)
* "Off Season" - Naomi Holoch (1997)
* "Sewer, Gas and Electric" - Matt Ruff (1997)
* "Sex and the City" - Candace Bushnell (1997)
* "Lives of the Monster Dogs" - Kirstin Bakis (1997)
* "Snow in August" - Pete Hamill (1997)
* "The Waterworks" - E.L. Doctorow (1997)
* "Underworld" - Don DeLillo (1997)
* "Always Hiding" - Sophia G. Romero (1998)
* "Wrong Information is being Given Out at Princeton" - J. P. Donleavy (1998)
* "Bringing Out The Dead" - Joe Connelly (1998)
* "Eating Chinese Food Naked" - Mei Ng (1998)
* "Herb's Pajamas" - Abigail Thomas (1998)
* "The Hours" - Michael Cunningham (1998)
* "Last Days of Summer" - Steve Kluger (1998)
* "New York Graphic" - Adam Lloyd Baker (1998)
* "Of Kings and Planets" - Ethan Canin (1998)
* "Safe House" - Andrew Vachss (1998)
* "Solo Variations" - Cassandra Garbus (1998)
* "The Broken Hearts Club" - Ethan Black (1999)
* "Choice of Evil" - Andrew Vachss (1999)
* "Downsiders" - Neal Shusterman (1999)
* "Glamorama" - Bret Easton Ellis (1999)
* "Liberty Falling" - Nevada Barr (1999)
* "Morningside Heights" - Cheryl Mendelson (1999)
* "Motherless Brooklyn" - Jonathan Lethem (1999)
* "The Silk Code" - Paul Levinson (1999)
* "Vapor" - Amanda Filipacchi (1999)

Twenty-First Century


* "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" - Michael Chabon (2000)
* "Bodega Dreams" - Ernesto Quinonez (2000)
* "City of God" - E.L. Doctorow (2000)
* "Killing Time" - Caleb Carr (2000)
* "Murder in Central Park" - Michael Jahn (2000)
* "The Night Inspector" - Frederick Busch (2000)
* "The Princess Diaries" (series) - Meg Cabot (2000)
* "Redemption Song" - Bertice Berry (2000)
* "The 25th Hour" - David Benioff (2000)
* "The Toy Collector" - James Gunn (2000)
* "About the Author" - John Colapinto (2001)
* "Bad Connection" - Michael Ledwidge (2001)
* "Because She is Beautiful" - Cameron Dougan (2001)
* "Black Water Transit" - Carsten Stroud (2001)
* "Borrowed Tides" - Paul Levinson (2001)
* "Box Office Poison" - Alex Robinson (2001)
* "Clara Callan" - Richard B. Wright (2001)
* "Closing Time" -Jim Fusili (2001)
* "The Corrections" - Jonathan Franzen (2001)
* "Dog Bites Man! City Shocked!" - James Duffy (2001)
* "Fixer Chao" - Han Ong (2001)
* "The Foreigner" - Meg Castaldo (2001)
* "The Fourth Angel" -Suzanne Chazin (2001)
* "Going, Going, Gone" - Jack Womack (2001)
* "The Good People of New York" - Thisbe Nissen (2001)
* "The Grand Complication" - Allen Kurzweil (2001)
* "The Haunting of Hip Hop" - Bertice Berry (2001)
* "Hell's Kitchen" - Chris Niles (2001)
* "High Maintenance" - Jennifer Belle (2001)
* "Hot Wired in Brooklyn" - Douglas Dinunzio (2001)
* "The Hum Bug" - Harold Schechter (2001)
* "Jeremy Thrane" - Kate Christensen (2001)
* "Kissing in Manhattan" - David Schickler (2001)
* "Lit Life" - Kurt Wenzel (2001)
* "Look at Me" - Jennifer Egan (2001)
* "Lucky Us"- Joan Silber (2001)
* "The Manhattan Hunt Club" - John Saul (2001)
* "The Muse Asylum" - David Czuchlewski (2001)
* "Rivington Street" - Meredith Tax (2001)
* "Saturn's Return to New York" - Sara Gran (2001)
* "Shooting Dr. Jack" - Norman Green (2001)
* "The Sweet By and By" - Jeanne MacKin (2001)
* "Absolute Rage" - Robert K. Tanenbaum (2002)
* "Confessions of an Ex-Girlfriend" - Lynda Curnyn (2002)
* "The Consciousness Plague" - Paul Levinson (2002)
* "Disturbing the Peace" - Nancy Newman (2002)
* "Dreamland" - Kevin Baker (2002)
* "Gramercy Park" - Paula Cohen (2002)
* "Little Girl Blue" - David Cray (2002)
* "The Nanny Diaries" - Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus (2002)
* "The Navigator of New York" - Wayne Johnston (2002)
* "Only Child" - Andrew Vachss (2002)
* "Paradise Alley" - Kevin Baker (2002)
* "Pipsqueak" - Brian Wiprud (2002)
* "Save Karyn" - Karyn Bosnak (2002)
* "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan" - Sophie Kinsella (2002)
* "Three Junes" - Julia Glass (2002)
* "The Anniversary" - Amy Gutman (2003)
* "Beautiful Bodies" - Laura Cunningham (2003)
* "Carrie Pilby" - Caren Lissner (2003)
* "The Cordelia Squad" - Mary Anne Kelly (2003)
* "Cosmopolis" - Don DeLillo (2003)
* "A Cruel Season for Dying" - Harker Moore (2003)
* "Dead For Life" - Ethan Black (2003)
* "The Devil Wears Prada" - Lauren Weisberger (2003)
* "Diary of a Mad Mom to Be" -Laura Wolf (2003)
* "Empty Stockings" - Denis Hamill (2003)
* "Engaging Men" - Lynda Curnyn (2003)
* "Forever" - Pete Hamill (2003)
* "For Matrimonial Purposes" - Kavita Daswani (2003)
* "The Furies" - Fernanda Eberstadt (2003)
* "Girl Cook" - Hannah McCouch (2003)
* "Hex" - Maggie Estep (2003)
* "Imitation in Death" -J.D. Robb (2003)
* "A Killing Gift" - Leslie Glass (2003)
* "Kunma" - Frank Corsaro (2003)
* "The Last Good Day" - Peter Blauner (2003)
* "Love Me" - Garrison Keillor (2003)
* "Lucia, Lucia" - Adriana Trigiani (2003)
* "Manhattan North" - John Mackie (2003)]
* "Moral Hazard" - Kate Jennings (2003)]
* "Oracle Night" - Paul Auster (2003)
* "Pattern Recognition" - William Ford Gibson (2003)
* "The Pixel Eye" - Paul Levinson (2003)
* "The Quality of Life Report" - Meghan Daum (2003)
* "Sheet Music" - M.J. Rose (2003)
* "Shopaholic Ties the Knot" - Sophie Kinsella (2003)
* "Small Town" - Lawrence Block (2003)
* "What I Loved" - Siri Hustvedt (2003)
* "Absent Friends" - S.J. Rozan (2004)
* "An Almost Perfect Moment" - Binnie Kirshenbaum (2004)
* "Bergdorf Blondes" - Plum Sykes (2004)
* "Between Two Rivers" - Nicholas Rinaldi (2004)
* "Bombshell" - Lynda Curnyn (2004)
* "Down Here" - Andrew Vachss (2004)
* "The Green and the Gray" - Timothy Zahn (2004)
* "In the Shadow of No Towers" - Art Spiegelman (2004)
* "Joy Comes in the Morning" - Jonathan Rosen (2004)
* "Love Monkey" - Kyle Smith (2004)
* "Matzo Ball Heiress" - Laurie Gwen Shapiro (2004)
* "Monster Island" - David Wellington (August 2004)
* "The Island of Bicycle Dancers" - Jiro Adachi (2004)
* "Oh, Play That Thing" - Roddy Doyle (2004)
* "The Outside World" - Tova Mirvis (2004)
* "Solos" - Kitty Burns Florey (2004)
* "Song of Susannah" - Stephen King (2004)
* "Under the Manhattan Bridge" - Irene Marcuse (2004)
* "The White Rose" - Jean Hanff Korelitz (2004)
* "Brickhouse" - Rita Ewing (2005)
* "The Brooklyn Follies" - Paul Auster (2005)
* "Everyone Worth Knowing" - Lauren Weisberger (2005)
* "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" - Jonathan Safran Foer (2005)
* "The History of Love" - Nicole Krauss (2005)
* "The Hour of the Cat" - Peter Quinn (2005)
* "Love Creeps" - Amanda Filipacchi (2005)
* "Metropolis" - Elizabeth Gaffney (2005)
* "Pinkerton's Sister" - Peter Rushforth (2005)
* "The Island of Bicycle Dancers" - Jiro Adachi (2005)
* "Up From Orchard Street" - Eleanor Widmer (2005)
* "Beautiful Lies" - Lisa Unger (2006)
* "The Emperor's Children" - Claire Messud (2006)
* "Mask Market" - Andrew Vachss (2006)
* "The Plot To Save Socrates" - Paul Levinson (2006)
* "Rise and Shine" - Anna Quindlen (2006)
* "The Righteous Men" - Sam Bourne (2006)
* "Size 12 Is Not Fat" - Meg Cabot (2006)
* "Size 14 Is Not Fat Either" - Meg Cabot (2006)
* "Big Boned" - Meg Cabot (2007)
* "Queen of Babble in the Big City - Meg Cabot (2007)
* "Deadstream" - Brad Platt (2005)

Unknown publication date

* "Banana Fish" (manga series) - Akimi Yoshida
* "Cities in Flight" (series) - James Blish
* "Doc Savage" Pulp novel series
* "ESP TV" - Mary Rodgers
* "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" - Judith Rossner
* "Minor Miracles" - Will Eisner
* "The Name of the Game" - Will Eisner
* "The New York Trilogy" -Paul Auster (1986)
* "Old New York" - Edith Wharton
* "Swing Low, Sweet Harriet" - George Baxt

Books for children

Twentieth century


* "Roller Skates" - Ruth Sawyer (1936)


* "Stuart Little" - E.B. White (1945)
* "The Matchlock Gun" - Walter D. Edmonds (1941)


* "Eloise" - Kay Thompson (1955)


* "The Cricket in Times Square" - George Selden (1960)
* "It's Like This, Cat" - Emily Cheney Neville (1963)
* "Harriet the Spy" - Louise Fitzhugh (1964)
* "The Long Secret" - Louise Fitzhugh (1965)
* "Noonday Friends" - Mary Slattery Stolz (1965)
* "The Jazz Man" - Mary Hays Weik (1966)
* "The Contender" - Robert Lipsyte (1967)
* "From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler - E.L. Konigsburg (1967)
* "Jennifer, Hecate, MacBeth, William McKinley and Me, Elizabeth" - E.L. Konigsburg (1967)
* "The Young Unicorns" - Madeleine L'Engle (1968)
* "A Girl Called Al" - Constance Greene (1969)


* "Freaky Friday" - Mary Rodgers (1972)
* "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" - Judy Blume (1972)
* "A Billion for Boris" - Mary Rodgers (1976)
* "Alan and Naomi" - Myron Levoy (1977)


* "Sarah Bishop" - Scott O'Dell (1980)
* "Superfudge" - Judy Blume (1980)
* "Anna, Grandpa, and the Big Storm" - Carla Stevens (1982)
* "Annie on my Mind" - Nancy Garden (1982)
* "Sometimes I Think I Hear My Name" - Avi (1982)
* "The One Hundredth Thing About Caroline" - Lois Lowry (1983)
* "In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson" - Betty Bao Lord (1984)
* "Motown and Didi" - Walter Dean Myers (1984)
* "The Bronze King" - Suzy McKee Charnas (1985)
* "The Cave Under the City" - Harry Mazer (1986)
* "A Rat's Tale" - Tor Seidler (1986)
* "Slake's Limbo" - Felice Holman (1986)
* "Charley Skedaddle" - Patricia Beatty (1987)
* "Remember Me to Harold Square" - Paula Danziger (1987)
* "Hiding Places" - Lyn Miller-Lachmann (1987)
* "Scorpions" - Walter Dean Myers (1988)
* "Silver Days" - Sonia Levitin (1989)


* "Babyface" - Norma Fox Mazer (1990)
* "Enter Three Witches" - Kate Gilmore (1990)
* "A Long Way To Go" - Zibby Oneal (1990)
* "The Mouse Rap" - Walter Dean Myers (1990)
* "Voices After Midnight" - Richard Peck (1990)
* "Nothing To Fear" - Jackie French Koller (1991)
* "The Pigman and Me" - Paul Zindel (1991)
* "Amy Elizabeth Explores Bloomingdales" - E.L. Konigsburg (1992)
* "An Ellis Island Christmas" - Maxine Rhea Leighton (1992)
* "Jumper" - Steven Gould (1992)
* "Kelly 'N' Me" - Myron Levoy (1992)
* "Letters from Rifka" - Karen Hesse (1992)
* "Lily and Miss Liberty" - Carla Stevens (1994)
* "Who Was That Masked Man, Anyway?" - Avi (1992)
* "Amy Dunn Quits School" - Susan Richards Shreve (1993)
* "City of Light, City of Dark" - Avi (1993)
* "The Kingdom of Kevin Malone" - Suzy McKee Charnas (1993)
* "Love You, Soldier" - Amy Hest (1993)
* "Missing Angel Juan" - Francesca Lia Block (1993)
* "The Sabbath Garden" - Patricia Baird Greene (1993)
* "Behind the Lines" - Isabelle Holland (1994)
* "Brooklyn Doesn't Rhyme" - Joan W. Blos (1994)
* "East Side Story" - Bonnie Bader (1994)
* "Rite of Passage" - Richard Wright (1994)
* "2095" - Jon Scieszka (1995)
* "Adam Zigzag" - Barbara Barrie (1995)
* "Captured by a Spy" - Lucille Travis (1995)
* "Falcon's Egg" - Luli Gray (1995)
* "Lost In Cyberspace" - Richard Peck (1995)
* "The Rose Horse" - Deborah Lee Rose (1995)
* "The Thief from Five Points" - Louise Fitzhugh (1995)
* "Alphabet City Ballet" - Erika Tamar (1996)
* "Another Way to Dance" - Martha Southgate (1996)
* "I Am an Artichoke" - Lucy Frank (1996)
* "No-Thanks Thanksgiving" - Ilene Cooper (1996)
* "Picture Perfect" - Yvonne Lehman (1996)
* "Sam's Gift" - A.E. Cannon (1996)
* "Friends to Die for" - Jane Sughrue Giberga (1997)
* "Lily's Crossing" - Patricia Reilly Giff (1997)
* "Snow White and Rose Red" - Regina Doman (1997)
* "Two Cents and a Milk Bottle" - Lee Chai'ah Batterman (1997)
* "Wannabe" - Shelley Stoehr (1997)
* "Where You Belong" - Mary Ann McGuigan (1997)
* "" - Nancy J. Hooper (1998)
* "The Kidnappers" - Willo Davis Roberts (1998)
* "The Other Shepards" - Adele Griffin (1998)
* "Jazmin's Notebook" - Nikki Grimes (1998)
* "Journey to Ellis Island" - Carol Bierman (1998)
* "Saratoga Secret" - Betsy Sterman (1998)
* "Willing Spirits" - Phyllis Schieber (1998)
* "Dave at Night" - Gail Carson Levine (1999)
* "Downsiders" - Neal Shusterman (1999)
* "The Ghost of Gracie Mansion" - Susan Kohl (1999)
* "In The Forests of the Night" - Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (1999)
* "The Lost Village of Central Park" - Hope Lourie Killcoyne (1999)
* "Paperboy" - Isabelle Holland (1999)
* "Rats" - Paul Zindel (1999)

Twenty-first century


* "Empire Dreams" - Wendy Wax (2000)
* "Love and Other Four-Letter Words" - Carolyn Mackler (2000)
* "Miracle's Boys" - Jacqueline Woodson (2000)
* "" - Steven Kroll (2000)
* "When I Was Older" - Garret Freymann-Weyr (2000)
* "Princess Diaries" (series) - Meg Cabot (2000)
* "6-321" - Michael Laser (2001)
* "All The Way Home" - Patricia Reilly Giff (2001)
* "Annie Quinn in America" - Mical Schneider (2001)
* "Chipper" - James Lincoln Collier (2001)
* "Don't You Know There's A War On?" - Avi (2001)
* "The Revenge of Randall Reese-Rat" - Tor Seidler (2001)
* "The School Story" - Andrew Clements (2001)
* "Secret in St. Something" - Barbara Brooks Wallace (2001)
* "Spellbound" - Janet McDonald (2001)
* "The Annoyance Bureau" - Lucy Frank (2002)
* "Ashes of Roses" - Mary Jane Auch (2002)
* "Bluish" - Virginia Hamilton (2002)
* "Boy Next Door" - Meg Cabot (2002)
* "Chill Wind" - Janet McDonald (2002)
* "Fresh Girl" - Jaira Placide (2002)
* "Gossip Girl" - Cecily von Ziegesar (2002)
* "Hey Kid, Want to Buy a Bridge?" - Scieszka (2002)
* "" - Eileen Heyes (2002)
* "Twelve" - Nick McDonell (2002)
* "Vampire State Building" - Elizabeth Levy (2002)
* "The World of Henry Orient" - Nora Johnson (2002)
* "A House of Tailors" - Patricia Reilly Giff (2004)
* "Missing You" - Meg Cabot (2006)
* "Jinx" - Meg Cabot (2007)

Unknown publication date

* "The Genie of Sutton Place" - George Selden
* "Just Ask Iris" - Lucy Frank
* "Monkey Island" - Paula Fox
* "Nobody's Family is Going to Change" - Louise Fitzhugh
* "Over The Wall" - John H. Ritter
* "The Planet of Junior Brown" - Virigina Hamilton
* "Rose in Bloom" (sequel to "Eight Cousins") - Louisa May Alcott
* "Scooter" - Vera B. Williams
* "So You Want To Be A Wizard" - Diane Duane
* "Summer Switch" - Mary Rodgers (1982)

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